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Flurry of fines: the new speed camera is crazy. Here is the trick that allows you to cancel all the sanctions. In order not to pay exorbitant amounts, they have studied an ad hoc trick that allows you to permanently solve the problem.

Speed ​​Cameras
Autovelox – Motors.News

By knowing exactly where both fixed and mobile speed cameras are located, motorists can adapt and avoid hefty fines. You just need to know a brilliant trick to avoid heavy penalties.

Exceed the speed limit imposed on urban and extra-urban roads is one of the main reasons that lead to the imposition of heavy penalties. The Highway Code imposes compliance with 50km per hour within urban centers and the respect of 110/130 kilometers per hour in extra-urban centres.

In order not to incur heavy fines, it is important to pay close attention to the accelerator. In addition, points on your driving license may also be deducted. To avoid accidents and to protect our safety and that of other motorists. However, knowing the location of the speed camera does not only allow you to respect the speed and avoid the imposition of heavy fines, but to implement valid tricks.

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Speed ​​cameras: what is it for?

L‘Speed ​​Cameras is a device that allows you to determine the speed of the vehicle thanks to the emission and reception of a pair of laser beams that cross the road. Acting as a deterrent, speed cameras force motorists to respect the speed limits imposed. On the streets they can be found fixed and mobile speed cameras. The fixed ones are positioned both on urban or suburban roads, while the mobile ones are positioned on the unmarked cars of the Police Forces. The video camera is an example of a mobile speed camera.

Speed ​​cameras: what are the penalties for exceeding the speed limits?

In the event that the speed limits imposed by law are exceeded, what are the sanctions imposed? The fines provided for by the code discipline are really salty. If you exceed the speed limits by no more than ten kilometers per hour, the fine is between 40 and 170 euros, if you exceed 10 kilometers per hour and no more than 40 kilometers per hour, the fine varies from 170 to almost 700 euros. . In addition, the deduction of three points from the driving license is foreseen.

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If you exceed forty kilometers per hour and do not exceed 60 kilometers per hour, the fine varies from over 540 euros to over 2100 euros. Anyone who exceeds the maximum speed limits by more than sixty kilometers per hour is subject to a fine ranging from 850 euros to over 3300 euros, in addition to the deduction of 10 points from the driving license and the suspension of the license from 6 to 12 months.

Speed ​​Cameras
speed camera cancels fines –

Speed ​​cameras: knowing its location allows you to avoid penalties

There technology it can help us avoid the imposition of heavy fines. The navigators present on the latest generation cars allow the driver to be warned of the presence of a speed camera about ten meters in advance. Thanks to technology it is possible to remodulate the speed and avoid heavy penalties.

L’Waze application is an interesting app to download on your electronic device to know the position of a speed camera along the road travelled. There’s another one Radarbot apps, which indicates not only the location of the speed camera, but also whether the speed complies with the limits imposed along the road section.

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