2022 car tax refund, they will give you all your money back: check now

On some occasions it will be possible to receive a refund of the car tax. Here’s when you’ll be eligible for your money back and how to apply! Find out when you can submit the request by reading our article!

Car tax refund
Car tax refund – Motori.News

Every car owner is obliged to pay the annual stamp duty in order to be able to drive on public roads. Furthermore, based on the environmental category of the vehicle, the power of the vehicle, the coefficient of the region to which it belongs and the year of registration, the cost of the road tax will have quite evident variations. But in some cases it will be possible to obtain a refund of the car tax! How to apply? When will it be possible to get my money back? Here are all the details!

The car stamp duty is provided for by the Italian financial administration and concerns all vehicles registered in our country, cars or motorcycles whatever they are! It is a tax that it will be paid locally. However, some vehicles are exempt from paying the 2022 car tax! Which?

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We refer to means with more than 30 years! Those over twenty years old with collecting interest, on the other hand, will have a 50% reduction or will be exempt from payment depending on the various cases! But how to get a refund of the car tax payment? Here is all the information about it!

Car tax refund: here’s who is eligible and how to get it!

The object of the article, as mentioned, concerns the refund on the car tax. It will be possible to obtain it in three specific cases! The first case it is quite trivial and it concerns the refund due to a payment error. In fact, it may happen that the payment is debited twice on the current account, or that another member of the family pays the tax without the other’s knowledge! And the other two?

Stamp refund
2022 car tax refund: here are all the various cases – Motori.News

The refund is also triggered if the car is scrapped. But beware: this measure is valid not in the whole peninsula, but only in some regions – Lombardy, Piedmont, Veneto and the autonomous provinces of Bolzano and Trento! Each of these regions, then, will have specific regulations! In case of car transfer, however, you will not be entitled to a refund of the car tax!

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In the end, the third case refers to another error. It is about overpayment! In fact, the amount to pay for your car tax may have been miscalculated. In the event that errors were found, you can apply for a refund, not the total amount, but the excess money!

To obtain a refund, an explicit request must be made. In fact, it is in no case automatic, but it will be the duty of the individual citizen to take an interest in this right! The reimbursement request must be made exclusively in your region. In fact, as mentioned before, the tax on car tax is only local! So what to do?

The request must be made via certified email or normal sheet and sent to the tax collection offices in your region of competence.! In addition to the request – including personal data, residence, tax code and mobile phone number – an identity document and all documentation relating to the 2022 car tax refund must be attached! The request must be made no later than 31 December of the third year following the actual payment of the car tax!

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Stamp refund
Car tax refund 2022 – Motori.News

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