Lemon and chilli, because they stick them all to the car: absurd Anyone who owns a car often has the desire to personalize it with objects, stickers or products of various kinds. […] Share this:
Socks on the wipers, because everyone is doing it: absurd A method as useful as it is surprising is to put socks on the wipers: why do so many do […] Share this:
Why do so many hang a reflective jacket on the mirror? The reason is absurd When you break down with your car, due to any breakdown, it is very important to pull over to the […] Share this:
Illegal speed cameras, this made 300,000 euros in 2 months: absurd Speed cameras frighten all motorists, motorcyclists and truck drivers in the world because their presence causes them to take home […] Share this:
Belt tab, no one knows its true function: absurd All cars are equipped with special safety devices. Among these, it is impossible not to mention seat belts. They are […] Share this:
There are those who hang lemon and pepper on the car: the reason is absurd Every day we are attracted by some peculiarities that can seem really strange. In fact, many people insert various unusual […] Share this: