the most affected are the elderly

Probably due to the difficult period and the economic crisis, anyone is constantly looking for ways to make money, without effort and effort. That is why every day, new scams are popping up that make motorcycle and car owners tremble and fear.

key scam scam

The latest discovery from the police it has to do with keys. That’s why she was nicknamed the key scam.

According to what emerged from the investigations, this type of scam is mainly carried out in supermarket parking lots where it is easy to lure victims without the slightest effort.

In recent days, dozens and dozens of complaints have arrived to the police and the Carabinieri of Rome. Here apparently the scams have reached 100 and all of these have a common denominator, the keys.

How do the scammers who manage to lure the victims with the trick of the keys

The crooks, they hook up the victims when they are getting into the car or on the scooter, they approach them with the excuse of having to show the keys that have fallen right next to the vehicle, asking “Are those keys yours?”. Victims approach to try to understand and right now the scammers are appropriating their belongings, be it purses or wallets, with a quick and cunning move. Only afterwards do they run away without attracting attention but above all without leaving traces.

There are generally 3 scammers, one steals, one waits in the car to be able to escape, the other distracts. Depending on the area or the case, there may even be a fourth accomplice, but it is rare. The elderly and women in particular are in the sights of scammers, probably because they are considered the weakest in society, the easiest to lure.

That is why the chosen ones are women and the elderly

It is noted that men, young and old but not old, they are not part of the scammers’ crosshairs and one wonders why. Probably the exclusion is justified by the fact that men in general do not have bags, but only their wallets, among other things, well hidden in their pockets, kept in sight. Unlike the elderly, who are always distracted.

Anyway following the various complaints, the police have launched searches and investigations, which led to the arrest of some scammers. Most of these were of South American origin. Although some cases have been solved, the thefts continue and apparently, the carabinieri today are looking for scammers of other origins who are managing to carry out their plans following the mold of “old colleagues”.

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