Car keys, always put them in the microwave at night – the reason is brilliant

Perhaps not everyone is aware of some tricks that can greatly improve things in reference to particular aspects. On the surface it might seem strange, but – for example – inserting your car keys inside a microwave oven could really save your life. For what reason? Here we explain all the details of this ingenious move.

Car keys in the microwave
Car keys in the microwave –

The car keys of the latest generation are very different from that of the past. Before, in fact, it was essential to insert the key inside the lock on the door. Today, however, all car models are equipped with Keyless keys. We are talking about devices capable of making the user open and lock the car, without the need to insert it in the lock.

These keys are equipped with chips and sensors, which ensure greater convenience for the user. Indeed, just have the keys in your pocket or bag and press a button on the car handle. Once this is done, the car will open or close according to your need. The same thing happens inside the car when the engine is turned on and off. It will no longer be necessary to insert the key in the ignition, just press a special button located near the steering wheel.

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But why could it be very useful to insert the latest generation of your car keys inside the microwave oven? Here’s everything you need to know about this seemingly strange move that could turn out to be very important indeed.

Do you know why it is useful to put car keys in the microwave? Here is the incredible reason

Recent car keys are therefore certainly more practical and comfortable to use than traditional ones. In fact, they give the user the possibility of not wasting time finding the keys inside their bag, once they get close to the car. An aspect much appreciated by many motorists. But these keys may be the subject of a security-related problem. For what reason?

Keys in the microwave
Put the keys in the microwave: this trick can save your car and save you a lot of trouble

Various criminals have developed new methods to open cars equipped with this new technology with Keyless keys. The sensors inside the body of your car allow detection of the key even a few meters away. And car thieves use some radio devices capable of intercepting the signaland, increasing it dramatically.

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This move allows them to act in a really simple way to get inside your car, even without having the actual physical key at hand. These signal repeaters set up by criminals can, therefore, really complicate things and get you into serious trouble. How to defend yourself?

If you park near your home or near your workplace, you will most likely leave the key a few tens of meters from your car. A move they make – of course everyone is – but that can get you in trouble. In fact, the repeater can increase the signal and allow thieves to steal your car from under your nose.

There are, however, some tricks that can isolate your car key, so that the signal cannot be intercepted. One of them refers to placing your car key inside a microwave oven.

Car keys
Car keys – Motors.News

The closed microwave, in fact, prevents radio waves from being transmitted over considerable distances. The thieves’ devices will then be put out of action and you can go back to sleeping peacefully. Just remember not to leave the key in the microwave when reheating or defrosting food!

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