Car Smashing Videos Are Weirdly Relaxing, But It Can Break Your Heart


There is a strange fascination that comes with watching large industrial machines do their job. This time, Thing ending the life of several cars through the crusher, ultimately compressing five vehicles into one size. The slow-motion destruction is surprisingly calm and oddly relaxing, but as automotive enthusiasts, we recognize that there may be an emotional response to the carnage. And you know what? That’s fine.

The clip is from 1964corvan on YouTube, where you’ll find some zen-like car wrecking videos. No narration, no music, just a visual and aural experience of metal under extreme compression, sending long-forgotten cars to their final destination. The clip opens with three such cars — a Ford Tempo, a Dodge Daytona, and an early ’80s Ford Thunderbird — already ruined. They don’t carry the same appeal as vehicles like the Corvette or Porsche 911, but for 30 years, they’ve certainly been invaluable to owners and families. What adventures do these cars see? We’ll never know.

The demolition begins again with the 1980s-era Oldsmobile Cutlass. The second-generation Dodge Neon was next, followed by the boxy mid-1980s Ford Escort. It was placed at the front of the destroyer, leaving room for Plymouth Sundance to meet its end with another in the back. Through the lens of automotive history, these models are nothing special but at some point, they are is appreciated and loved by someone. Maybe the Cutlass was the young driver’s first car, or maybe Neon got someone to the hospital just in time. Again, more stories we will never know.

The final car, however, is something special. And we wouldn’t be surprised if you haven’t heard of it, as only about 1,400 were built. This is the Buick Skyhawk Road Hawk, and while we’re no experts on the model, we know it’s the special looks package that made the 1979 and 1980 little Skyhawks festive. It came at a time when vehicle performance was low, and like many other cars of the era, all but forgotten.

Buick Skyhawk Road Hawk

We choose no to be forgotten, and videos as camera operators offer short walks from rare gems. This Skyhawk has no hope of restoration – its upgraded interior is torn, body panels are damaged, and rust is common. But the particular model is given one final look as the whole car before taking its place in the crusher.

If anyone has more information about the Skyhawk Road Hawk, we’d love to know more about it. And if you want more classic content about cars from the 1980s, check out our special episode focused on Radwood Chatting About Cars podcast, available below.


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