you save a lot of money

The acetone in the gas tank? A very useful method to significantly reduce fuel costs.

Acetone in the tank
Acetone in the tank – Motori.News

The use of this chemical can greatly increase the efficiency of the engine and prevent its rapid deterioration. However, some guidelines must be followed to avoid engine damage.

At this time of year, all motorists are plagued by skyrocketing fuel costs, rising prices for diesel and gasoline, but especially LPG gas, which is literally skyrocketing.

Compared to two years ago, it is estimated that the fuel costs have increased by 40%. We fully understand that every single penny saved can really make a difference in a situation like this.

Not an easy time for motorists

There are many ways to save money, but in general it is all about check your habits carefully, like not using the car when you don’t need it, or preferring to use a bicycle to travel simple routes without necessarily taking your vehicle. This already obviously will save you a significant amount of money.

Petrol tank –

Furthermore, keep the engine and car in top condition it will always save you a lot of money. The proper functioning of each single internal mechanical part of the engine, in fact, allows the fuel to burn completely without leaving residues that translate into economically heavy damage in the long term.

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One of the most popular automotive claims of the past two decades is the rumor that the addition of acetone to the gas tank can increase the efficiency of fuel consumption of your car.

Acetone in the tank, does it really work?

First let’s see what kind of acetone we are talking about. Obviously this is not the acetone used to remove the nail polish, this will not help at all. Instead, to avoid engine damage, you have to use 100% pure acetone.

Petrol tank –

Pure acetone is easily found in home improvement stores or online for a fairly low price. It is a particularly useful chemical agent in injectorswhich are the parts of an engine that feed gasoline into the combustion chamber.

The cleaning of this particular part of the engine allows, as already mentioned, to use all the power emanating from the combustion of the fuel without losses, with obvious advantages in terms of consumption. But it must be done pay close attention to the right dosage.

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There right dose for any diesel, petrol or gas engine it is very specific and exceeding this dose can cause engine problems, so you need to have a measuring cup and be prepared to perform this job with great precision. The correct dosage is approx 24-25 ml per 10 liters of petrol.

What happens if I put in too much acetone?

You could cause corrosion in the engine and damage performance. Putting too much of it could degrade the rubber and wear out the internal structure, which is why car manufacturers disapprove and warn consumers against doing so.

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