Why do some dogs bark when they see a car?

Having a dog is not just about having a best friend who is always faithful. It is necessary to know and be able to recognize each of his attitudes and behaviors to know how to act in the right way at the right time.

dog barks at car
dog barks auto-Motori.news

Sometimes dogs are calm, other times they have exuberant cravings, which can also put the safety of other people at risk, in some conditions and particular situations.

It has probably happened to anyone who has a dog to find himself in trouble when he suddenly barks at cars or tries to chase any vehicle. This is certainly ua dangerous situation, not only for the dog but also for motorists and especially motorcyclists.

Let’s find out why dogs bark or chase motorbikes, cars and bikes

Many do not know what the right method to calm the dog, but above all they do not know the reason for such a strange and exaggerated reaction. So, before understanding how to intervene, it is important to understand what prompts the dog to bark at cars or to chase them.

Sometimes, it could be a characteristic of the breed and therefore of instinct and nothing more. In particular this happens with hunting dogs or sheepdogs. Other times it can depend on the territory, so it is a defensive intention of the dog in your area. At other times it can be linked to emotions, so the dog may run after it and then bark at cars because it may be afraid of speed or the noise emitted by the vehicle.


What to do if your dog barks or chases cars

Whatever the reason it is important to intervene, the first thing to do is to select the times and places to take him for his walks. The walk must be for him as well as for the owner of the little 4-legged friend a reason and a way of relaxation, not of stress or agitation.

For this reason it is better to choose times when there is little traffic and places far from the chaos of vehicles. If this is not possible, it is better to take it to isolated or almost isolated areas and keep it the leash firmly in order not to be caught unprepared. Then it is essential to try to distract the dog and in case of correct behavior, reward him with positive reinforcements. What is highly recommended is to avoid scolding animals because, not only is this behavior completely useless, but it can even be counterproductive. Understanding animals is difficult, but not impossible, just as it is to find the right solution to every little problem or discomfort, trying to keep their instincts at bay.

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