Car door, it is forbidden to leave it like this: the fine is very heavy

When you get into the car, both on the driver’s side and on the passenger’s side, you have to pay attention to anything, even the smallest, what seems to be of little consequence. Traveling on a vehicle means having responsibilities.

Car door
Car door- Motori.News

For instance open the car door it may seem like a trivial gesture, in reality it is not and depending on how you do it, it can also become dangerous.

Open the car door without checking if someone arrives on another car or on a motorcycle, leave it open even for just a minutecan hinder traffic, or hinder road safety.

The rules of the highway code, this is what happens if you leave the car door open

As we know there are very specific rules that must be respected and that try to discipline drivers of any means, bicycles, cars, motorcycles, as well as pedestrians. The highway code states that leaving the door open or opening it suddenly, without first checking the mirrors, it is a crime that can be punished with sanctions and more.

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If you open the door while a motorcyclist is passing byit happens that the latter falls, or even flies away if the speed is high and due to the impact he also risks dying. In the latter case, who committed the offense risks being accused of manslaughter. The law states that in a collision occurred between two vehicles, just in case it should be impossible find a culprit between the two, each is found guilty.

As for the case of the car door open or left open in a completely irresponsible way, whoever made a mistake must pay a fine ranging from 42 to 173 euros.

The common mistake, which can cause serious consequences

Unfortunately this is a mistake we all make, as today we are all in a hurry and nobody wants to waste time. If you have to take something from the trunk, if you have to get a passenger out of the car who needs support, if you have to check something, get out quickly, without looking at the mirrors with the risk of hitting someone.

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In order not to waste time closing and reopening the door, it is left directly open. Tragedy is always behind the door. Because of this much more attention should be paid, also because due to a small mistake of inattention, the result of extreme superficiality, one ends up being even responsible for the death of a person and being accused of manslaughter. This also means that damages must be paid and criminal responsibility for the crime in question must be assumed.

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