How to recognize the cameras that make the fines, they are not all the same: you understand it here

The new t-red system is based on cameras installed directly on the traffic light. These are able to make fines for violators of the Highway Code and officially take the place of the police. In this way, the state saves on personnel but guarantees roadside checks.

Sephamoro cameras
How to recognize the cameras that make the fines –

This system is very common, initially it was adopted in the big cities, slowly it is spreading everywhere. The cameras, they are installed either on traffic lights or at intersections. This is because we try to ensure compliance with the rules and regulations of the highway code.

The system T Red controls the traffic, as many motorists fail to respect certain rules. In particular, we talk about the rule of the traffic light with the yellow light in front of which, by law, you must always stop. But nobody does.

The role of the cameras, here are the ones that really fine

Cameras are capable of punishing violators of the law with fines, recording movies where cars commit offenses. For example, the yellow light is usually seen as a warning sign, warning road users that they need to cross with caution because shortly thereafter, the red is triggered.

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In reality, yellow indicates that it is appropriate to stop, immediately. Only when stopping could become risky for other users, it is allowed to cross without receiving any fine. It happens for example when the car is already crossing the intersection and has passed the white band. In this case, stopping could be dangerous for you and those behind. The cameras that fine are those aimed at both lanes. Inside they have systems that allow you to acquire images infringement and signal license plates, via infrared.

Respecting the white band is required by law, otherwise you run the risk of receiving a fine

Then, even the White band on the ground must be respected. It should remain within the white rectangle present on the asphaltbut nobody does it because it is thought to be only an indicative signal. It actually indicates an obligation. The cameras that have been installed in many cities at crossroads and traffic lights also signal this transgression, issuing fines to those who do not respect the rule. The new system then checks all cars that pass yellow, red, or cross the white line.

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The system works both day and night, at any time. The cameras in question are calibrated to send the report on all infringements. The system subsequently produces the fine and sends it to the person concerned who can, if requested, also view the recorded video.

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