Red light, if you get it the fine is safe. But we must know that it is often also possible to appeal.
It happens to cross an intersection while the traffic light is red, perhaps for a moment of inattention, in which he was lost in thought, or very tired. But do not worry because there are cases, not all, in which it is possible to appeal with a good chance of winning.
Obviously cross the intersection with the red light is dangerous. This is why it is not to make these mistakes and to drive only when you are really able to drive a vehicle without being an obstacle or a risk to oneself and to others.
Red light, the news on the law
When approaching crossroads or traffic lights, you must always slow down. In particular when you are close to a traffic light it is recommended to slow down and then stop, even when the traffic light is yellow and not red because it will soon change color.
Over the years the rules change, article 41 of the Highway Code tries to clarify the light signals, their task and what is the duty of the individual citizen. Article 146 particularly deals with violations of road signs and consequences.
The user who does not respect the road signs risks receiving a financial penalty, the value of which ranges from € 42 to 173. If the driver continues his journey while the traffic light is red, the fine increases dramatically. For which it ranges from 167 euros to 665 euros. While for those who repeat the same mistake twice within two years, it can even risk it license suspension from a minimum of one to a maximum of three months.
The cases in which it is possible to think of making an appeal
The question that everyone asks themselves, however, is another, once the fine has been received, can we appeal to cancel it? The answer is yes, but it is important that the requirements are met essential to do so. The driver can challenge the fine if there is a wrong indication of the car owner’s data or the driver if it should be different.
It is possible to appeal even if the place of the infringement, date and time do not match. A fine can also be challenged if it arrives 90 days after the infringement was committed.
But it is not just a matter of material causes, you can try to appeal even when you can prove that the driver could not stop or slow down, for timing and characteristics of the road.
Subsequently, the decision rests with the prefect or the justice of the peace. But be careful, because there is a time limit for making an appeal that is within 60 days or 30 from the notification of the fine.