Truck Explodes In Fire Collision With Train, Only One Injury Reported

These terrifying crashes and huge explosions are hardly a behind-the-scenes look at a new action movie. It was the result of a collision between a passenger train and a truck that was stuck at a railroad crossing in Indonesia. Miraculously, there were no fatalities and in fact, a local report stated there was only one injury in all of this.

The accident occurred on July 18 in the city of Semarang, the capital of Central Java between Surabaya and Jakarta. reported a truck stuck at an intersection while a train was coming. Attempts were made to clear the truck, so the driver clearly wasn’t on the rig at the time of the crash. What’s worse, though, is that the crossing is right before the Jalen Madukoro Bridge.

A video shared on Reddit shows the truck surviving the initial impact, and by safe, we mean not exploding into a fireball. It occurs as the truck is pushed into the steel beams of the bridge, and is quite dramatic to say the least. The train stopped shortly thereafter, apparently still on the bridge although reports said the locomotive was hanging over the river.

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The condition of the bridge is unknown. but it’s safe to assume the truck is finished. As for one person who was reported injured, the condition of that person is also unknown, although the injury is reported to have occurred after jumping from the train into the river. Based on our report on July 18, cleanup efforts are underway to clear the train cars from the area.

This certainly isn’t the first time we’ve seen trucks hang up at a railroad crossing. In March 2023, a truck transporting excavators in Georgia got stuck at an intersection with a slight incline. The driver appeared to detach the trailer from the rig seconds before impact, but it still pushed the trailer and massive excavator aside like paperweights. Something similar happened in Tennessee in December 2021 involving a truck pulling large concrete blocks. Another truckload went to pieces in Texas last August.

There were no serious injuries as a result of this catastrophic collision.

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