Getting fined for not respecting a road sign isn’t that difficult. Indeed, probably each of us will have done it at least once in a lifetime due to misinformation or inattention.

As much as it can happen to anyone, there’s nothing worse than seeing a ticket arrive directly at home, perhaps for speeding or for any other offense committed knowingly or unknowingly.
If you pass through a restricted traffic area without intending to, if you park where you cannot, if you exceed the established speed limits or do not respect the red lightyou risk getting a small fine or a real bloodletting even months later.
Knowing the highway code and its road signs is important
Anyone who has earned a driver’s license actually knows this. Road signs, obligations, prohibitions and so on have always been talked about both during theoretical and practical lessons. The problem is more than anything we tend to forget this information because we consider it of little value.
In any case, road signs are fundamental because they regulate traffic on the road, trying to make it as safe as possible for everyone those who move both on motor vehicles, on bicycles, or on foot.

Here’s what this signal that we always cross but that not everyone knows and recognizes indicates
Among the many signs there is one in particular that many motorists don’t know, even those who got their driving license a long time ago and have therefore been driving for many years. Unfortunately experience in life is not everything.
But let’s get to the point, the signal we are talking about is a go-ahead signal that we find ourselves in front of almost every day along certain roads. This signal indicates the end of any prescription.
So from the moment meet at the edge of the road it is good to know that all obligations previously imposed fall away. Someone today confuses it with the sign of the end of the construction sites or the end of the dangers.
In reality it is simply a sign that cancels the previous provisions and commands, nothing more. Nonetheless, it must be specified that even in the presence of this road sign one must never feel free or think one can do anything, because in any case one must proceed with extreme attention and drive every vehicle with respect, remembering that even the simplest mistake can cost you dearly.