In our country there are various gangs of criminals specialized in the theft of cars or objects inside them. In this article, we invite you to pay particular attention to some specific aspects. If you notice any strangeness or anomaly, it is very important to behave in a certain way. You will avoid getting into trouble, due to some strategic plans implemented by the criminals. But what is meant by the “egg trick”? Here are all the details on this new trick implemented by thieves.

Every day in our country different details emerge about the new strategic plans hatched by the thieves to steal motorized vehicles or various objects present inside them. The bad guys use various tricks to make their criminal plans as effective as possible.
To be less conspicuous, thieves choose to target certain areas that are less conspicuous. For instance, the parking lots of large shopping centres or similar large areas may be suitable locations to carry out their illegal moves. As always, they pay the price the unfortunate motorists, who are taken aback and do not know how to remedy the situation.
Correct information on the risks you run and on how to act in the event of a fault can actually save your car and avoid being subjected to thefts and robberies. Knowing the risk also prevents you from being unprepared and scared should you be the unfortunate protagonist of the whole thing.
In recent weeks there has been a lot of news about the attempt by criminals to steal objects inside cars, using normal eggs. What is this illegal trick thought up by bad guys? Here’s everything you need to know, what you need to do, and what you need to watch out for.
Pay close attention if you notice this anomaly: thieves will leave you no way out
The people who are most targeted by criminals are, as often happens, the elderly. The invitation from the police is to pay particular attention in the event of an anomaly or situation that is unusual with respect to the norm. But what is the scam concocted by the bad guys with the eggs as protagonists? Here are the details about it.

The method used by the criminals is based on throwing eggs on the windshield of the chosen car. To carry out the theft, thieves act in groups of at least 2 or 3 people. The confusion generated by the arrival of the eggs on the car can upset the driver of the vehicle, who will be asked to get out of the car. Meanwhile, other thieves from behind steal purses or other valuables, catching the unsuspecting motorist off guard.
The invitation is to not get scared and never get out of the passenger compartment. Locking yourself inside and getting away as far as possible is the solution we most recommend in the event of a similar anomaly. In fact, no one will ever throw eggs at your windshield without a fraud attempt.
These are the words of the commander of the Bracciano company, Simon Peter Rings: “We always remember never to get out of the car when we become aware of an anomaly. An example is the sudden bang on the door with the mirror scam. The same advice is given in the parking lots of supermarkets and shopping centres never let strangers approach you.”
In recent weeks in the capital there have been several attempted thefts against the elderly, by throwing eggs on the windshield. In the last few hours, some bad guys have been caught in the act by an agent in the area. We are referring to an episode that occurred in Campagnano of Rome in a shopping center parking lot.

Two men involved in the attempted theft were arrested and the victim was only frightened. The invitation, as mentioned, is not to panic and to move away from the offending place.