Car scratches, with the cloth trick everything disappears: you don’t spend 1€

Everyone has accidentally slammed into the door of another car, especially in very tight parking spaces. Other times, however, it is possible that you can get too close to a wall, causing small “grazes” to the bodywork of your car. Regardless of what caused the scratches, you should know that there is a convenient and economical solution to make your car shine again. Which? Here is the trick that will certainly please you.

Car scratches
Car scratches – Motors.News

Scratching your car, especially if it is only a few weeks or months old, can cause great disappointment and sadness for the owner. Cars, like all objects of daily use, are used frequently. It will therefore be possible to run into small inconveniences. If the damage is small, it will be possible to fix everything in a practical and economic way.

THE scratches on the bodywork can take place for several reasons. The large concentration of cars in the car parks and, consequently, the narrow spaces available, can cause small collisions between them. Even an open car door out of control, due to carelessness or the wind, can cause some minor scratches.

Much sadder reasons can also be added to small accidents and involuntary bumps. For example, some hooligans may deliberately scratch your car, leaving you feeling despondent.

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But don’t worry. In fact, if the damage is minor and if the scratches are only marginal, then it is good to know that it will be possible to solve the matter in an economic, practical and fast way. How? Using a special cloth. Let’s find out all the details about this brilliant trick.

Here is the trick to eliminate small scratches from the bodywork: let’s find out the details

To repair scratches on the car, many people turn to the body shop. The expense, many times, can be several hundred euros, if not more. There is, however, a way to solve the problem in an absolutely practical and economical way. In fact, you will only need to buy a specific cloth. What are we referring to? Here are the details.

Car scratch cloth
The special cloth to remove small scratches from the bodywork. Here are all the details – Motori.News

Let’s make a premise right away. We do not promise any miracles if the damage to the bodywork is massive rather than minor. Indeed, this cloth will be very useful only in the presence of small superficial scratches on the bodywork. Once this detail is cleared up, let’s find out about the functionality of this specific cloth and how to use it on your car.

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The aesthetics of the car is a very important aspect. There are many people who take care of every detail and are really “annoyed” by the presence of even a single small scratch on the car. With a special cloth, said Nano Sparkle clothit will be possible do-it-yourself scratch repair.

This cloth has a cost of a few euros and can be purchased in many specialized shops and online. It has a special technology that can be really useful on scratches. Indeed, there is a very fine metallic powder in the cloth. It will ensure excellent results.

But how to use this “magic” cloth? It will be necessary to clean and wash the affected area well and then dry it completely. At this point you can gently pass the cloth over the scratched area, repeating the gesture about 10 times. After cleaning the area again, you will need to wait about 30 minutes. After carrying out these operations, the scratch will have disappeared and you will no longer have any damage to the bodywork.

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Car scratches
Car scratches – Motors.News

This cloth is very similar to regular microfiber cloths. Inside, however, there is a special metallic material capable of solving the problem and ensuring maximum protection for the paint.

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