everyone rushing to fill up

Refueling this year has become a real nightmare, because fuel costs have reached unthinkable levels.

Petrol, these are the cheapest distributors
Petrol, these are the cheapest distributors – Motori.News

Unfortunately not everyone has the opportunity to pay high sums to fill up their cars or motorbikes, for this reason many people during 2022 and will probably continue to do so during 2023, have given up using their own vehicles, to go to work or simply to have fun.

Most Italians said they had started using public transport (something they had never done before), despite being aware that they are unreliablebecause they do not guarantee the routes and do not respect the timetables.

Cut in excise duties, when making petrol will be much more convenient than now

Until October, the Italians enjoyed the temporary cut in excise duties, which gave a breather for hauliers and motorists.

The cut in excise duty has meant that the price of diesel and petrol has dropped by at least 30 cents per liter after reaching and even exceeding two euros. Unfortunately, for now, the cut in excise duties is paused and will probably remain so for the next few months.

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This is because the Meloni government has explained that it cannot be re-evaluated and taken into consideration if the fuel does not exceed €2 per litre, as has already happened in the past. For all these reasons the Italians are gone in search of valid tricks to save money, finding several, not all legal.


Here are the gas stations that allow you to save money

There are Italians who travel km and km to refuel where fuel is on sale at advantageous prices and Italians who prefer to defraud service stations to refuel and free.

Yet as far as few people know, there are cheap petrol stations that have been targeted by Italians and more informed users, which allow you to fill up and pay much less than you think.

In first place, as far as it concerns gasoline and ordinary gas stations, saves at Tamoil supplies, then Esso supplies, and finally Q8 supplies. In fourth position are the Api and Agip supplies.

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As for diesel, Tamoil is in first place, followed by Esso, Q8, then Agip and Eni. You switch to petrol on the highway, the points that allow you to refuel at limited costs are Tamoil, Q8 and Sarni Oil. Diesel on the motorway is cheaper at Sarni, Tamoil, Q8 and Esso petrol stations.

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