Rear belts, not even the mechanics know this function: incredible

Rear belts: here’s the smart feature that even mechanics don’t know about it: you’ll be amazed, it saves you a lot. Here’s what it is.

Back straps
Rear belts –

These special seat belts were presented in Las Vegas on the occasion of the Consumer Electronics Show. The presentation of these particular seat belts left everyone speechless. Many have wondered how they did not think of this genius sooner. The idea is very simple, but effective: it would seem trivial, but instead wearing these seat belts help improve security for the driver driving his own vehicle. What is it about? Let’s find out.

Ingenious seat belts: a comfortable innovation

The one presented at CES in Las Vegas is a brilliant idea: these special seat belts are produced by theGerman company ZF and have been studied for save electric car batteries and represent a real innovation in terms of driver well-being.

What innovation is it? We are talking about heated or heated seat belts. Aesthetically they are seat belts equipped with fabric of heat conductors. Just fasten them as if they were classic seat belts, but they heat up quickly and reach a temperature between between 36 and forty degrees. This ingenious function allows electric car drivers to maintain a state of well-being while driving and inside the car.

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seat beltsthermal seat belts –

Wearing these heated seat belts encourages passengers and the driver to remove their jacket or overcoat, improving security on board the car and allowing the motorist to be more free to drive. These special seat belts represent a system of rapid application and do not require particular modifications: the fabric of the heat conductors woven on the seat belts does not interfere in any way with the operation of the retractors.

Heated seat belts save batteries

Heated seat belts are an innovation from ZF, German company specializing in mobility technologies. It is a brilliant idea not only for traditional cars, but especially for electric cars. These special seat belts allow you to increase the range and save the batteries of the electric car.

Several studies have shown that heating with the direct contact (heated steering wheel, heated seat belts, etc.) improves efficiency rather than turning on the air conditioner. The thermal belt allows you to improve autonomyfor this reason several car manufacturers will soon introduce this interesting option on the latest generation cars.

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