The elimination of the cut on excise duties makes it urgent to understand how to obtain petrol vouchers: here is the procedure and who gets the bonus

The farewell to excise duty discounts with the start of 2023 has brought i fuel prices to rise again to levels not seen in months. A topic that has opened the debate and controversy against the Meloni government, which has clearly made it clear that it has not found the necessary resources to be able to continue to guarantee the discounts introduced by the Draghi executive.
However, there is not only bad news because the petrol bonus of 200 euros which will make it possible to amortize the refueling costs in the coming months. The Council of Ministers recently provided all the details and news on the matter, modifying some parameters relating precisely to the bonus with the aim of finding a solution that would satisfy both the state coffers and the needs of citizens.
First of all, with the transparency decree it was decided to fight the alleged speculation by the managers who are now forced to report the average national price per liter of petrol and diesel on a display board. Secondly, in fact, practically the same bonus introduced by the previous government in March 2022 was reiterated.
Who is entitled to the 200 euro petrol bonus and how to get it
The bonus is about especially employees of private companies e it is up to the employer to decide whether or not to pay it. The good news is that it is one tax exempt amountwhich does not form income, and is therefore paid to the worker in a “clean” way without fearing that it will further burden the company’s pockets.

The only real requirement then concerns the status of the worker che must be a private employee regardless of whether it is a fixed-term, permanent, part-time, full-time or even smart working contract. In fact, the bonus does not concern employees of public bodies.
The initial deadline of the last decree was actually set for March 2023, but given the evolution of the situation and the elimination of the cut on excise duties, the new Government has decided to extend it for the whole of 2023trying to give concrete help to Italians already disappointed by the increase in fuel prices.
In short, as mentioned, it all depends on the employers who could decide to grant the bonus to those who go to the office every day and, in particular, to those who live further away from the company headquarters. This is one purely personal decisiongiven that the distribution of the bonus takes place without bureaucratic hitches.

There is no need to make contractual agreements, but they can be included directly in the pay slip as a benefit or as a fuel voucher. If you are an employee of a private company, therefore, you have every right to request it in the hope that the employer decides to grant it to you.