it costs more than a car

There are many people who choose to ride a motorbike not only for passion, but also for a mere matter of practicality. Especially in large towns, in fact, moving in the chaotic city traffic is much easier with a two-wheeled motorized vehicle. Also, the parking issue is considerably less forbidding than for cars. But what is happening to motorcyclists? Why are they likely to have to shell out much more money than in the past? Here are all the details.

€3000 per year to be paid for motorcyclists
€3000 a year to be paid for motorcyclists –

Use one motorcycle, regardless of the model and engine capacity, it is certainly a lifestyle choice that more and more people are starting to make. Not only, therefore, the historic two-wheel enthusiasts. The chaos of city traffic and difficulties in finding parking with each move, in fact, they are pushing more and more people to move in a more practical and faster way.

Traveling by motorbike often avoids getting stuck in chaotic traffic jams. Owning a car until a few years ago was a real “must”. Today, however, there are more and more road users who move mainly on two wheels and with more practical and environmentally sustainable means.

The eco-bonus re-launched by the Government, moreover, it allows you to have many economic benefits on the purchase of a new model of motorcycle, more respectful of the environment. It will therefore be possible to scrap a high-emission vehicle to buy a more ecological motorcycle.

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Especially for those who do not need to travel by car, therefore, equipping themselves with a motorbike could be a very advantageous and comfortable choice. But what news has rocked bikers lately? Here is the large sum that some of them will be forced to pay each year. Let’s find out why.

The bad news for bikers: here’s what’s going on

In addition to easier travel and lower running costs than cars, motorbikes have the advantage of allowing the user to find parking more practically. Furthermore, in Italy all parking spaces reserved for motorcycles are free, unlike the “expensive” blue lines reserved for cars. But what unpleasant news has arrived for many motorcyclists? Here are all the details on this case.

Motorcycle payment parking
Motorcycle parking, what’s changing? Here are all the details on this news that will not please many people – Motori.News

Searching for a parking space by car often generates a lot of stress in people, also causing delays in carrying out normal daily activities. The motorbike, on the other hand, is also comfortable for this aspect. It it can be parked in special areas reserved for these vehicles and requires much less available space.

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In our country no one has ever shelled out a euro for the parking of these motorized vehicles. In other parts of the world, however, this is not the case. Since last September, in fact, to Paris citizens are also forced to pay for motorcycle parking, inside the spaces specifically reserved for two-wheelers. News that certainly does not please many motorcyclists.

Parking payment is mandatory at certain times and days. In fact, Parisians will be forced to dig into their wallets to park their motorcycle from 9am to 8pm every day, with the exception of public holidays and the month of August. The costs are very high and they are of 3 euros for each single stop. In case of massive use of the vehicle and frequent trips around the city, it is not difficult to pay even 3,000 euros a year for the normal parking of your motorbike.

But are all motorcycles affected by this rule? Absolutely not. Indeed, only those who own a non-electric motorbike will be forced to shell out this sum. Parking, on the other hand, is altogether free for owners of electric motorcycles. A choice made to encourage citizens to use less polluting vehicles.

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Beat motorcyclists
A beating for motorcyclists – Motori.News

Anyone who doesn’t pay for parking risks one fine of up to 37.5 euros. Residents, the disabled and those who travel for work will be able to benefit from discounts on parking compared to the sum previously stated. Will this reform take hold in Italy too?

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