A man made an incredible discovery as soon as his wife, under his instructions, opened the hood of the car in which he was traveling.

This is the story of Chris Persic, who wanted to tell the events to warn the people of what can happen in the fall.
Autumn is a busy season because almost all the people in the world are engaged in the collection of walnuts and chestnuts, but not only them, small animals do it too and in particular rodents, therefore squirrels.
Walnuts, chestnuts and squirrels are the protagonists of the following story
Their goal is to collect as many walnuts and chestnuts as possible to accumulate the right amount of fat useful to face the cold season to get to spring without problems and with lots of food.
Many people have chestnut and walnut trees in their garden or near their homeor they often leave the car parked near parks so it is good that they learn about this story to know what is best to do in some circumstances in order not to risk big.

Here’s what happened to Chris’s wife
Just another day, Chris’ wife went out to the library in Pittsburgh while on the road he suddenly smelled something burning very loud coming from the engine so she thought she had car trouble and called her husband.
The man asked her to open the hood and that’s how the woman found something incredible, absurd, that no one could ever have expected. The problem fortunately it wasn’t a vehicle engine failure but something else.
There were tons of peanuts hidden inside the hood. Probably the perpetrator of the gesture is a very sweet squirrel, who had settled in the bonnet a few days earlier having parked the car near a park.
The warning to readers is crucial, because everyone must know that when you leave your car parked near a park, or under walnut trees, chestnut trees, etc., having them in your home garden or nearby, you must be careful and always check before leaving, both for the car than to kill no creature.
If the Squirrel had stayed inside the hood he would certainly have had the worst of it. In this case probably having heard the sound of the car starting, he will have flown out of the exhaust pipe and he will be saved this way. The story could have gone worse.