Lethal speed cameras, one of the most dangerous is back in operation: it is located a stone’s throw from your home

Speed ​​cameras are the worst nightmare of all motorists in the world, because often when you travel on a vehicle you are carefree, distracted, so you accelerate without paying attention to the speed limits imposed on the roads and then you catch a lot out of nowhere without having didn’t even realize.

Lethal speed cameras
Lethal speed cameras – Motori.News.it

The majority of motorists immediately appeal, in order not to pay the fines received, in the hope of being able to win and save themselves, but in the end the majority of these are forced to pay for having committed the offence.

The highway code as well as the law they do not admit ignorance, misinformation, or carelessness. Driving a vehicle, whatever it is, is a great responsibility towards yourself and towards others.

Here’s where the speed cameras will be installed during the first weeks of 2023

The local police of Quartu Sant’Elena these days he put the speed camera 106 into operation Premium color, which will allow 360° control of some stretches of the Poetto seafront so popular with young people and not only.

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The speed camera in question, which does not miss anything, will be put into operation on the following days. It will be active on Tuesday 10, when the controls will take place from 14:00 to 17:00, Wednesday 11 from 9:00 to 12:00, Thursday 12 from 14 to 17:00, Tuesday 17 from 9:00 to 12:00, Thursday 19 from 9:00 to 12:00, Wednesday 25 from 14:00 to 17:00, Thursday 26 from 9:00 to 12:00 and Tuesday 31 from 14:00 to 17:00.

Speed ​​camera not visible - Motori.News
Autovelox – Motors.News

What is changing for motorists and beyond

Motorists, motorcyclists, etc. are invited to always respect the speed limits imposed on all roads, because most of the fatal and non-fatal accidents that occur in Italy are caused precisely by failure to observe the speed limits and attention and responsibility on the part of drivers.

Over the last few years the number of these accidents has increased significantly, which is why the Meloni government has decided that starting from January 2023, police checks on the roads above all near the nightlife venues they will increase.

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They were launched to see new laws, which have to do above all with new drivers or with those who have obtained the license for 3 years or less than 3 years, who will have to pay attention not only to compliance with the speed limits, but also to accommodate more than one passenger in the car.

The novelties of 2023 are many and do not only concern the speed cameras that will be mounted on practically any road, but also the speed limits, checks at checkpoints and much more.

The article Lethal speed cameras, one of the most dangerous is back in operation: it is a stone’s throw from your home comes from Motori News.

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