Goodbye manual gearbox, we will never see it again on these models

1 min read

A large company is preparing to say goodbye to the manual gearbox, what is about to arrive is a very important change for the future.

goodbye manual transmission
Goodbye manual transmission –

The meaning of the word automobile is self-driving vehicle. In reality it is not quite so, because the car to move it needs human actionat least until now.

So before a vehicle manages to go by itself probably we will have to wait quite some time.

Innovation in the automotive industry, what’s about to happen is amazing

The innovation promises well, as well as the choices made by the various companies each year. In the next period important turning points could come who knows they might also accompany Italy towards the cars who walk alone.

The great news that all the Car enthusiasts have enthusiastically welcomed it has to do with the manual transmission, which may soon disappear. The brand that prepares Volkswagen is saying goodbye to the manual gearbox already moving in this direction.

Engine evolution it requires us to reflect before making mistakes. Surely thinking about such an important development is exciting, but they still have to be taken into consideration all the advantages and disadvantages of the case.

The advantages are certainly many, for example, the automatic gearbox allows us to drive in total comfort and tranquillity. But there is no shortage of disadvantages which are perhaps even more. The manual gearbox certainly has a different repair cost than the automatic one.

In addition to the details of the costs, one cannot fail to mention the fact that driving without a manual gearbox becomes boring. Shifting gears is fun in some ways, it keeps the driver’s attention high and then of course it’s easy to use and comfortable.

Someone today does not understand the need to say goodbye also because in terms of safety seems to be disadvantageous. With the manual gearbox, you have the car under control at all times.

Manual transmission car
Manual gearbox –

Here’s why Volkswagen is preparing to say goodbye to the manual gearbox and what could happen in Europe

Finally, it hardly gives problems and is convenient for long journeys outside the city. For driving in the city for example it’s not the best because consumption doubles. For all these reasons, Volkswagen has already decided to stop producing manual gearboxes from March 2023.

In China, the farewell to the manual transmission has already arrived for a while, all plug-in hybrid and electric cars have the automatic transmission for months and months.

Now we will see if in Europe and America the car brands will decide to follow the futuristic examples and will choose therefore to abandon the manual gearbox soon.