you will no longer have to pay it every year

1 min read

The Telepass has solved many problems especially for motorists used to commute every day, for work or study reasons.

Telepass – Motors.News

Highway tolls are mandatory, so they have to be paid every time you want to go through a specific toll booth.

Whether you pay in cash, whether you pay by telepass, somehow you have to pay a certain pre-established sum to be able to pass without risking even very serious consequences, of any kind.

Because those who often travel from one city to another activate the Telepass service

Those who move every day have chosen to activate the Telepass service because this makes everything much easier and faster, you arrive at the toll booth and pay directly automatically without having to go looking for coins and so on.

Those who already have the Telepass service active they have certainly noticed that these rates have increased since January 1, 2023. Costs adjusted to the growth in prices of all other products and services.

the service in question is offered by Autostrade per l’Italiawhich takes care of the maintenance and management throughout Italy, as well as the increase in costs and the modernization of the infrastructures, to make them as safe as possible, because as with everything, safety comes first.

Payment lanes, here is the novelty for 2023

When we arrive at the toll booth we all know that there are different lanes valid for payments. The lane reserved for Telepass is the best because it allows you to pass in seconds by initiating the debit directly to the current account.

In Italy for now there are 7 million active devices and many motorists who use the subscription several times a day every day. Some make an attempt to pass the toll booth without paying but no one succeeds because the toll booths are monitored by cameras 24 hours a day, so nothing escapes.

The novelty arriving in these days is fantastic and has to do with all those who they do not have checking accounts but only prepaid cards that are hardly accepted as a payment method.

From now on it is possibleand activate the service and use the telepass service even if you are simply in possession of the Money card, rechargeable. To use it, you just need to top up your credit e go through the toll booth without problems and limits, just like any other card.

This is one of the many innovations that everyone has been waiting for for a long time.