Motorway tolls, you are forced to pay much more: absurd

As if the increases in fuel prices and in many other sectors of our daily life were not enough, several increases in the various motorway tolls have also been triggered since January 1 of the year that has just begun. From now on, therefore, every journey on the motorway will cost you much more than in the previous months. But why did this increase in tolls take place? Here is everything you need to know about this topic.

Motorway tolls
Motorway tolls – Motori.News

2022 has been a horrible year for Italians from the point of view of price increases. Every aspect of our daily life has increased as a result of the outbreak of war between Ukraine and Russia. The fuel and auto sectors were also severely affected. But Do you know that for a few days even motorway tolls have increased? Here are all the details about this situation that will not please millions of motorists.

There Italian motorway network it has an extension of over 7,000 kilometers. Every day millions of motorists move on all the arteries of our country to make their journeys. Traveling on these roads represents – net of traffic and road construction sites – the fastest way to move around the various areas of our peninsula.

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Especially in the three-lane sections, moving on the motorway is very practical, comfortable and fast. As we all know, in fact, it will be possible to drive on every highway by pushing the car up to a maximum speed of 130 km/h.

But are you aware of the news of the last period? Let’s find out all the details on the increase in the various motorway tolls. The news will certainly not please you.

Motorway tolls, from today you pay much more: this is what is happening

Matthew Salvini, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, e Giancarlo Giorgetti, Minister of Economy and Finance, approved a decree in reference to the increase on the various motorway tolls. The measure started on January 1, 2023. But why was this necessary? Here are all the details.

Highway toll
Italians are forced to pay more at the toll booth. Here’s everything you need to know about the approved decree – Motori.News

In fact, it was totally expected. Indeed, from this date the legislative provision that had stopped the increase in costs on the various tolls expired on the highway in recent seasons. In fact, the tariffs relating to 2017 had been blocked.

Since January 1 of this year, however, it is the extension is over and the Italians will be forced from now on to shell out more money to travel on our country’s motorways. An unfortunate news that follows the one relating to the stop on the cut of excise duties on petrol. But does this measure concern every highway in our country?

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The increases concern only the tolls pertaining to ASPI, approximately 3000 km of motorways in our country. The rates increased by 2% starting January 1st. But that’s not all. Indeed, from 1 July 2023 there will be another increase, equal to 1.34%. A real blow to millions of motorists.

ASPI – Autostrade per l’Italia – manages only 50% of our country’s motorways, passing through 15 regions. The remaining 50% of motorways, therefore, at the moment will not be affected by this heavy increase in tolls. Some motorways excluded from these increases are, for example, the A24, the A25, the A15, the Frejus motorway tunnel and many other sections.

ASPI has approved a plan which provides for the allocation of over 21 billion euros for some investments to be made within 10 years, for the improvement of all the sections of motorway under their responsibility.

The increases in the stretches managed by Autostrade per l’Italia will therefore reach 3.34%. We are below the 5% threshold desired by Minister Matteo Salvini. In France and Spain, for example, there have been even greater increases than ours. In the transalpine country, in fact, they amount to 4.7%. In the Iberian one, instead, on 4%.

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