Motorcycles and mopeds will be affected by big news that will arrive during 2023, because their use is growing visibly.

There are many citizens who following special needs, they choose to buy a motorcycle rather than a car, or to travel by public transport, especially in large cities where the transport network offers little or no satisfaction.
Those who do not have the opportunity to travel by public transport prefer to travel by motorbike and moped to navigate the traffic of highly populated urban areas and not stand in line for minutes and minutes.
Motorcycles and mopeds, whoever wants to buy one must do it now that’s why
Unfortunately, those who own motorcycles and mopeds must be careful of some unexpected costs that will arrive suddenly and will probably cause many problems for everyone.
Those who boughtor motorcycles and mopeds over the last few years and in recent months they have taken advantage of the incentives made available by the Italian government which mainly favor the purchase of electric two-wheeled vehicles.
In particular we refer to theecobonus valid for the purchase of electric models, which was reconfirmed for the whole of 2023. Obviously, this is wonderful news for all motorists who are considering the idea and hypothesis of buying a motorcycle to get to their workplace in the center of a metropolitan city or in a big city.
In fact, these find themselves daily having to face a particular problem that goes beyond traffic or rather the parking spaces that are never enough and that cost a lot.

The cost of parking weighs on those who use mopeds to get around the city
Unfortunately, the cost of parking will increase in the next few days because the government needs to raise cash, so we have to prepare for the worst. The cost of the hourly rate in many Italian cities has reached exaggeratedly high levels which some motorists have in fact complained about.
We are talking about €3 per day. Who uses the rest areas every day for a whole year, has to pay more than €3000. A sum that not all motorists will be able to support especially considering that it is not the only one expected.
In fact, those who have cars, motorcycles and mopeds must not only pay the paid parking but also all the taxes that have to do with the car, for example insurance, the car tax which must be paid regardless of the use of the vehicle to then conclude with fuel that it already takes a lot of effort.