Fines Speed ​​cameras, how the number 1 enemy of licensed drivers works: don’t get fooled again

Speed ​​cameras are the devices most feared by motorists in our country. Every year there are hundreds of thousands of fines that Italians are notified at home for excess speed. Often times, however, such fines can be disputed. But how does the speed camera work? What is the tolerance limit? Here’s everything you need to know about it.

Speed ​​Cameras
Autovelox – Motors.News

The system based onSpeed ​​Cameras allows road supervisors to ‘find out’ very easily those who exceed the speed limits on certain sections of road and motorway. A real nightmare for millions of Italians who crowd the streets of Italy every day. But what are the maximum tolerances? Here’s everything you need to know.

Having a speeding ticket notified at home via a speed camera will have happened at least once in the life of most people. You don’t need to be a hit-and-run driver to incur this penalty. Often times, in fact, it can happen that you slightly exceed the speed limits on a certain road, either through distraction or simple carelessness.

Depending on how far the limits are exceeded, the fines can range from 41 euros up to 2,170 euros. Furthermore, in cases exceeding 60 km/h, the suspension of the license for up to 3 months is also envisaged.

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However, not all fines reported by the speed camera are valid. In fact, the device must be signaled in advance on both carriageways and be visible to motorists. Furthermore, it must be perfectly approved and calibrated. But what are the tolerance limits in order not to incur penalties? Here’s everything you need to know.

Speed ​​cameras: here are the maximum tolerances

Moreover, in all likelihood, starting from the coming months, the maximum speed limit not to be exceeded will also have to be made visible on each speed camera sign. In mid-December, in fact, the draft of the decree on this particular aspect will be discussed. And what about maximum tolerances? Here are the actual speed limits you should NEVER exceed.

Speed ​​cameras maximum tolerances - Motori.News
The maximum tolerances on speed cameras: here’s all you need to know – Motori.News

Speed ​​camera devices may experience some very slight signaling errors. For this reason, there are tolerances on the maximum speed limits that you must not exceed. The speed camera tolerance will always be a minimum of at least 5 kilometers per hour, regardless of the speed limit and the road.

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The general rule is that the value recorded by the device is issued a reduction of 5%, with a minimum – as just mentioned – of 5 kilometers per hour. But let us now look at all the specific cases.

Below the limit of 100 kilometers per hour, the tolerance will always be 5 kilometers per hour without the 5%. This percentage will only apply above 100km/h. In practice, if there is a speed limit of 50 km/h, then up to 55 km/h there is no risk to face penalties.

Speed ​​Cameras - Motors.News
Autovelox – Motors.News

On motorways, the speed limit is 130 kilometers per hour. Each motorist will therefore be able to push their car to one maximum speed of 136.5 km/h. Exceeded this limit, the sanction will automatically be triggered.

On extra-urban roads with a limit of 110 kilometers per hour, instead, it will be possible to drive to one maximum speed of 115.5 km. All very clear. Our advice is to always respect the limits, not only to avoid heavy fines, but also (and above all) to ensure maximum safety on the road for you and others.

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