Never take it in the trunk, they’ll fine you €500 and take away 58 points

An evening that seemed to be quiet, like many others, turned into a semi-tragedy for a group of twenty-year-olds from La Spezia, who had moved to Versilia, near Massa Carrara to have fun. Unfortunately there were six of them so one of them had to settle in the trunk of the car.

He carried it in the trunk
He carried it in the trunk –

The young man’s BMW station wagon was only approved for 5. For this reason, for fear of traffic police checks on Versilia, the driver of the vehicle had forced the sixth young man to hide in the trunk so as not to attract attention.

As far as the trunk could be comfortablethe position is not accepted by the law, as a result of which the owner knowingly broke the rules, took a risk and was obviously fined, and more.

What happened to the young people of La Spezia

Young people as they traveled through Versilia, were stopped by road agents due to completely out of control behavior beyond the possibilities given by law. The police had stopped them because they wriggled between the cars at speed, showing that they were in a hurry, paying no attention to pedestrians, traveling a long stretch of road, even going against traffic and putting at risk of his own life and that of others.

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Following the check, the young driver was subjected to an alcohol test. The outcome was negative, but given that the driver and the young people present in the car were very agitated and nervous, the police forces ordered them to get off for a further investigation and finally to open the trunk, finding the sixth hidden friend there.

The fine taken for the owner and the consequences on the license

  • The owner of the vehicle was fined €500, then 58 points were deducted from the license which was withdrawn. The young person will now have to give up his driving licence, then he will be able to complete the procedures imposed by the bureaucracy, which will allow him to return to possession of the document within a few weeks.

From now on, it will have to be extremely careful when driving because in case of recidivism, or recidivism of driving with alcohol or drugs, the consequence is the revocation of the licence. This means that the interested party will not be able to obtain any licence, even of a different category, for at least 2 years, 3 in the case of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

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