This maneuver behind the wheel can cost you dearly: the fines are nothing short of salty and can reach truly dizzying figures.

The Traffic laws it is nothing short of full of laws and rules that concern all possible situations. This means that it is just as varied too the amount of the fines which can be very low, albeit always annoying, but in some cases reach figures capable of even exceeding the value of your car.
The latter case is what we will examine in this article referring to one paradoxical situation which should never happen, even if they can be considered small extenuating circumstances.
In detail, we are talking about what happens in case you put yourself behind the wheel without a license. Naturally, as anticipated, it is necessary to distinguish from different situations: there are those who simply forget it at home, something that should never happen but distractions, as we know, are the order of the day. The most serious case obviously concerns those people who just don’t have a driving licence.
Driving without a license can cost you dearly: the fines provided for by law
Let’s start from the “light” cases, i.e. those situations that occur for pure forgetfulness but which in any case force us to pay a fine. If you are caught by the police for driving without a license just because you have forgotten it at home or somewhere, the penalty starts from 42 euros and can reach a maximum of 173.

Naturally, in this case you are also called to immediately present yourself at the Police Headquarters to show that you actually have the document. If you don’t do it, the fine doesn’t double, but triples to say the least. The basis becomes of 430 eurosbut the figure can grow dramatically up to 1700 euros.
Let’s move on to much more serious scenarios instead. If you were to put yourself driving your car with an expired license the fine already becomes more important than starting with a minimum of 158 euros and a maximum that can even exceed 630 euros.
You have no escape here: you must immediately provide for the license renewalwithout extensions or exceptions. You will not be able to circulate until you have renewed the deadline: book your medical visit in time to be able to do so.
Finally, let’s close with the most serious situation possible: you drove a car, they caught you and the police discovered that in reality you never obtained a driving licence. Well, here the fines are really exaggerated, but it is understandable to understand why.

The starting point, hold on tight, is well 5,000 euros but which can reach a maximum of 30,000 euros to which you have to add the administrative detention of the car you were driving for three months. To fix it, assuming you manage to pay the fine, you’ll have to do the simplest thing possible: get your licence.