Checkpoints are the nightmare of many motorists to the point that many do this thing which can cost dearly: up to 5456 euros

THE checkpoints they are measures taken at particular times which can give the police the authorization to stop all passing cars and carry out a check.
There are several tools available to the police in order to carry out their duty: narrow lanes to channel the flow of traffic and even the use of spiked bands to be sure to stop any runaway cars.
The checkpoint is a very strict measure which is taken in special cases: search for criminals in the area, demonstrations with a large number of people and more. We are talking about an important definition that must be distinguished from checkpoints.
The latter are the ones we see most frequently: they are patrols made up of two or three agents who have the task of stopping passing cars on a random basis. The goal is to verify that everything is in order: car, supporting documents, driver’s documents and even the documents of any passengers if the agent in question is very zealous.
TO scoop up you have to slow down safely and stop offering the police the maximum cooperation. As annoying as it may be, remember that this is their job and being cooperative and being ready to show all the required documents is the best way to hurry up and ensure mutual cooperation.

What happens if instead you don’t have to stop or, taking into consideration the checkpoints, you even decide to force them? Nothing good of course, because the law in the event of such an infringement understandably becomes very strict.
Forcing checkpoints: what happens and how much is the fine
The Highway Code regulates the issue, as mentioned, in a very rigid way because if you decide not to stop at a checkpoint the monetary fine starts from 1,362 euros and reaches a maximum of 5,456 euros.
It doesn’t end there: you have to add the money to be paid out reduction of 10 points on the license. Furthermore, if the maneuver to avoid the checkpoint should be judged dangerous, i.e. capable of endangering the safety of the forces of order and of other passing cars, the criminal offense for resisting a public official is triggered. The penalty is imprisonment from 6 months up to 5 years.

Instead, the law is softer in case you decide to “ignore” the paddle of a checkpoint. The fine, according to article 192 of the Highway Code, starts at 87 euros and can go up to 344 to which to add the subtraction of three points on the licence.
In any case, except in situations of serious emergency, never ignore a roadblock or checkpoint. Assuming you have everything in order, you have nothing to worry about: show yourself to be collaborative, provide the required documentation and within a maximum of 10 minutes you will be free to go.
The article Checkpoints, a €5456 fine if they catch you like this: they’re making a lot of fines comes from Motori News.