Goodbye license renewal, after this age you will no longer be able to do it: what a disaster

The renewal of the license becomes more and more stringent over time: these categories are excluded and there is also something new.

Goodbye license renewal
Goodbye license renewal – Motori.News

There driving license, as we know, is granted after passing a double exam. It starts with the theoretical exam, a quiz that allows you to certify that you have obtained the right knowledge of road signs and the Highway Code.

Then there is the funniest exam, namely that practicalwhich literally puts us driving a vehicle with an examiner on board who will evaluate our ability to manage the car in the best way by following all the precautions to be taken before starting the journey: checking the belts, mirrors and so on .

If both exams are successful, you get the much coveted driving license: the initial duration is 10 years, after which it will be necessary to proceed with the first renewal which, of course, does not require us to take the tests again. The only thing that needs to be done is one medical examination which certifies that we are in the necessary health conditions to drive without endangering ourselves and others.

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Eye examination
Eye examination –

The age range it changes over time: up to the age of 50, the renewal must be done as mentioned before the age of 50. Then, between the ages of 50 and 70, you have to remember to do it every five years. Between the ages of 70 and 80, it passes to three years and finally, after the age of 80, it must be renewed every 2 years.

Understandable limits given that with the passage of time and age one no longer has the reflexes of the past, as well as any health problems that may arise with ageing. With a limit of two years, older people have the opportunity to regularly check the conditions necessary to get behind the wheel. But beware of other limitations as well.

Goodbye license renewal for this category of motorists: the latest news

The regulations governing the license renewal they were modified in 2017 and then in 2020, in particular with the Presidential Decree 139/2017 and 69/2020. What are the changes? In particular, they concern the motorists who have undergone an organ transplant.

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Medical examination
Medical examination –

Since this is a very delicate situation, the medical examination is necessary and mandatory to ensure that, once passed, the person in question is able to drive without causing danger to himself or others.

This additional medical examination to the ophthalmological one required of all is necessary in delicate conditions such as this and other very similar ones. Naturally, these will be indications that you will receive directly from your general practitioner or from the specialist who follows you in unusual paths and that we do not wish on anyone. Just remember that in that case getting your license renewed will be a little more difficult.

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