Yes, bus drivers can also be fined for speeding. In their case the fines are even tougher including dismissal.

You may have wondered, or maybe not, but the fact is that obviously the Traffic laws provides for very specific sanctions for i bus drivers that are guilty of excess speed.
Due to the size of the cars they control and the passengers they carry, drivers of public transport probably have more responsibilities than a common motorist: for this, the law punishes very severely any sanctions carried out in this role.
Respecting the limits is very important, especially in built-up areas and especially if you are driving a bus. The fines are very severe and vary according to the type of infraction.
What happens if bus drivers go over the limits? Fines for speeding
In case a bus driver should exceed the limit within 10 kilometers per hour the sanction will be light, with a fine ranging from 84 to 346 euros. Things get worse as the speed increases, because between 10 and 40 kilometers per hour the fine goes from 346 euros up to a maximum of 1388, including the deduction of 3 points from the licence.

The two most serious situations involve real stings. A speed exceeding the limit between 40 and 60 kilometers per hour provides for a fine that starts from 1086 euros up to 4340, with 6 points of deduction from the license and suspension from 2 to 6 months. Recurrence in the two-year period involves a suspension from 16 to 36 months.
If the speed is even over 60 kilometers per hour, the expected fine starts from 1690 euros up to 6764 euros, with 10 points removed from the license and suspension from 1 to 2 years. Recurrence in the two-year period causes the driving license to be revoked.
The latter case is certainly the most serious, because then to get your license back it will be necessary to wait two years and retake practical and theory exams.
As always, the 5% tolerance applies of the speed which is read by the control instrument. In case you use the chronotachographyou go for a fixed tolerance of 6 kilometers per hour.
We close with a very specific fine which instead concerns those drivers who drive buses equipped with electronic speed limiters configured on 100 kilometers per hour.

In case you travel to one speed higher than that set, there is a starting fine of 921 euros which, in the most serious cases, can even reach 3683 euros. Be careful though, because this penalty can apply in addition to that for excess speed resulting in a sensational sting for the culprit.
If they deem it appropriate, the police can carry out investigations and checks to make sure that the limiter is present and has not been tampered with.