Lada With An Unbalanced Crankshaft On The Roof Shivers In The Cold To Get Rid Of The Snow

Don’t want to brave the cold of subfreezing to clean your car? No problem! If you have a spare crankshaft and an electric motor, you can make your own snow shaker to clean your vehicle in less than a minute!

Fresh from their mobile car wash invention, that’s exactly what the crew at Garage 54 did. Inspired by a YouTube video showing a subwoofer clearing snow from a car, Garage 54 declared, “That’s not how we roll.” Then they proceeded to MacGyver a tool for old Peppers.

They started by grinding the crankshaft balancing chunk out of balance. After shaving off more than 3.5 kilograms or 7.7 pounds of steel, the crew attached it to the frame and hooked it to an electric motor. A quick test shows the crankshaft rocking like a hard Shake Weight. Two grown men could barely hold the frame together and decided the only option was to weld a snow shaker to the roof of the Lada. Now nothing could stop them from clearing the snowdrifts.

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Nothing but some technical difficulties with the Lada. Convinced the problem was due to the size of the snow shaker motor, they decided to go big or go home, get a bigger motor, strengthen the frame welds, and add extra struts.

The end result works really well. Snow shaker cleans snow from the whole car faster than a brush. In fact, it’s probably better than a brush because it won’t scratch the paint. Never mind that the frame welded to the roof is bigger than a police lightbar.

Once perfected, the snow shaker could have many practical applications, like other Garage 54 inventions, including half gas, half diesel engines. Need to remove dirt or rust from the bottom of your car? Want to relax your sore back with a massage while you’re sitting in traffic? The amazing Snow Shake-O-Matic does it all! It won’t slice or dice, but it’s a must-have car accessory this year!

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