Pedestrians are also at risk of fines, especially when crossing the road: if you do so you risk a €102 fine.

Not even pedestrians are safer from the imminent danger of fines. If you thought that by choosing to walk you would be safe from fines, you were wrong. The police could fine you even if you are walking.
In fact we should all behave responsibly to maintain safety on the road. Here are the cases in which you could get a hefty pedestrian fine.
Pedestrians Fine: Up to €102 fine if you cross this way
Who has never happened, perhaps for the rush or for other reasons, of cross without using the pedestrian crossing? This behavior is very dangerous, as motorists may not be aware of pedestrians on the road.
In these cases, it is always the motorists who are exposed to the greatest risks in terms of liability or fines, but pedestrians could also find themselves having to pay fines.

Cross even if there are no stripes it is not forbiddenor at least not always, but you need to know how to cross correctly so as not to put your safety and that of other people on the street at risk, but also to avoid being fined.
Crossing on the road, what the Highway Code says about it
The pedestrian crossing is regulated at thearticle 190 paragraph 2 of the Highway Code:
“Pedestrians, to cross the roadway, must use pedestrian crossings, underpasses and overpasses. When these do not exist, or are more than a hundred meters away from the crossing point, pedestrians can cross the roadway only perpendicularly, with the necessary attention to avoid situations of danger for themselves or for others.
As the CdS says, you should always cross using pedestrian crossings, underpasses and overpasses. When these are not present or are more than 100 meters away, you can also choose to cross on the street.
We must pay close attention to the possible presence of vehicles nearby, but above all you have to cross perpendicularly. Many might think of saving some time by crossing in diagonalbut haste is a bad adviser and often leads us to take somewhat reckless actions.
If you cross diagonally and a traffic warden sees you, you could be fined. In this case the fine ranges from €26 to €102.
Other behaviors that pedestrians must keep
In order not to break the Highway Code, pedestrians should observe specific rules. For example, did you know that the Highway Code prohibits pedestrians from stand motionless on sidewalks and docks?

This is to prevent other pedestrians from being obstructed. However, it happens very often that people stop on the sidewalk for the most disparate reasons. Fortunately it really rarely happens that the police kill people on foot.
However, it is always better to try to observe these behaviors, to maintain a safe, civil and serene environment for everyone on the sidewalk.