Change of ownership, 1813 euro fine if you do this: be careful

The transfer of ownership of any vehicle, whether it’s a car or a motorcycle, must be carried out as required by law if you do not want to have problems such as heavy fines and other fairly serious consequences.

Change of ownership
Transfer of ownership – Motori.News

The cars that circulate on Italian roads are not all new, many of them are used, second, third or even fourth hand, among other things not all suitable for circulation, because the owners do not carry out the necessary maintenance.

Those who have never had new means probably don’t know how much money they are going to spend. What can be said is that it is more convenient buy a brand new vehicle, because the used vehicle maybe allows you to save money at the beginning, but then it can hide many small problems that cost too much.

What does it mean to buy a used vehicle

If you choose to buy a used vehicle anyway, you have to take into consideration many small things to be aware of the gesture you are about to make in this case too.

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In fact, a used vehicle must first of all be evaluated together with a professional and then proceed with the transfer of ownership put everything in order. To do this, you need to follow a dedicated protocol through which a car passes from one owner to another.

From then on the responsibilities fall on the new buyer. All registered vehicles are present in the public automobile register which must be updated every time a vehicle is sold.

Transfer of ownership – Motori.News

Timing of the transfer of ownership of a vehicle

Timings vary from case to case. Sometimes it takes days and sometimes weeks, everything varies according to the procedure to be done and how complex it is. In any case, the procedure must be completed within 60 days of the sale of the vehicle at the motorist’s telematic counter.

The seller can also choose to proceed privately to save money. In this case, he must present the np3c model within 60 days, alternatively pay the 30% penalty which can be reduced to 15 if paid within 90 days.

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If, following the checks carried out by the police, for example at a checkpoint, you are caught driving a vehicle whose transfer of ownership has not been carried out or in any case has not been completed, you risk significant penalties which ranging from €363 to a maximum of 1813 euros.

Know the Highway Code and all that has to do with it therefore criminal consequences and so on, is fundamental because it allows you to choose with full knowledge of the facts and not to be caught unprepared in any case.

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