What do you risk if you don’t pay a fine, they take everything away from you

Many motorists when they receive a ticket for no parking or for not respecting an imposed speed limit on any road, choose not to pay and ignore the penalty in the hope of escaping it.

What do you risk now if you don't pay a fine
What do you risk now if you don’t pay a fine – Motori.News

Unfortunately, however, we must know that there are quite serious consequences that are not worth running above all if the fine is low.

Sometimes motorists as well as motorcyclists do not know the Highway Code so they make mistakes dictated by ignorance or misinformation. The law does not admit ignorance, so the fines arrive without making differences of any kind.

Other times, despite having a very clear vision of what legality is, one chooses to make a mistake accepting the risks and consequences.

When to pay the fine to get a 30% discount

If you pay the fine within 5 days you are entitled to a 30% discount. If you pay within 60 days, you will pay a reduced amount, while starting from the sixth month you will not only pay the maximum but there is also the risk of doubling the amount of the report.

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After a fine has been paid, it can no longer be challenged, so if you have doubts about its validity, it is better to inquire first so as not to make a mistake. Whoever wants to challenge a fine must present the appeal to the offices of the Justice of the Peace within a maximum of 30 days.

Remembrance can be done by the person concerned or by his lawyer. Alternatively, you can appeal to the prefect within two months, to do so you must send a PEC or a registered letter.

fine of 6000 euros
fine – Motori.News.it

What are the consequences that those who do not pay and do not challenge the fines risk?

Then there are also those who decide not to resort to these means and therefore prefers to simply ignore the fine. In this case, the municipality creates a document, for which the tax collection notice is notified.

Over the years, you have the option of paying the amount due in installments, or not paying by running all the risks involved, risking serious consequences. In fact, if you do not pay the fine, without appealing, you risk the detention of the vehicle or even the seizure of the assets.

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The assets may include the salary, or the sum may be withheld from the current account or directly from retirement in the case of a pensioner.

For all these reasons, if you were to receive a fine it is better to ask yourself the question first: what is better to do? And then keep in mind that legality is the only way to go if you don’t want to have problems of any kind.

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