Expired insurance, you don’t need to pay it: if you do this you save a lot

Car insurance is mandatory on any vehicle, not only on cars, even on motorcycles or heavy vehicles. An insurance contract must be stipulated immediately after the expiry if you do not want to incur heavy penalties established by law.

Expired insurance
Expired insurance – Motori.News

Before driving any vehicle, whether owned or not, it is advisable to check to be sure you have everything in order and not to risk getting fines or anything else in the event of accidents or checkpoints at checkpoints.

All motorists in the world should know what happens if you drive an uninsured vehicle, what the consequences can be both in the event of an accident and in the event of a check, yet few do.

Many people today choose to do not provide for the payment of the insurance and save money even if it is not worth it at all. For this reason we need to clarify the subject on which apparently there is a lot of misinformation.

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What does the Highway Code say about insurance?

The highway code in particular the article 193 says all motor vehicles, must travel with valid insurance, renewed immediately after the expiry period of the Covered Period.

Upon expiry of the contract you have 15 days of grace during which you can request quotes from other insurances and then choose whether to stay with the same or change.

After the indicated period of time, the vehicle is not insured so it is good to know the consequences both in the event of an accident and not. The consequences are really many, all more or less serious.

Expired insurance

What are the penalties you risk if you don’t pay the insurance

The administrative fine ranges from 866 euros to €3464, in case of recurrence the license is suspended and then the vehicle is confiscated. At these costs, yes they also add those of picking up, transporting and depositing the vehicle.

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The administrative fine must be paid immediately, a 25% reduction can be obtained if the policy is renewed within a maximum of one month from the expiry of the contract or if for one month after the infringement then from the fine the vehicle is demolished.

To take out a new insurance contract, you need to provide the documents of the car and of the old insurance, therefore the certificate of risk. Immediately afterwards, the contract can be signed and the car is covered again.

Estimates can also be requested online where you are spoiled for choice for insurance agencies. The newer ones, for example, allow you to save important sums that can make a difference.

The article Insurance expired, you don’t need to pay it: if you do this you save a lot comes from Motori News.

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