Arab number plates, why are there so many in Italy? Incredible

In Italy, in recent years, the police forces have realized that there are many vehicles circulating in our area with Arab and other license plates, which are not adequately registered in compliance with the highway code.

Arab license plate
Arab license plate – Motori.News

The reason is unsettling and shows how anyone now trying to save where possible, as possible, even risking enormously.

Foreign vehicles with Arabic number plates that circulate in Italy are many. Unfortunately, these do not comply with the regulations on registration which has higher costs.

Driving vehicles with Arab license plates is illegal, that’s why

Registering a vehicle abroad and circulating in Italy outside the law means saving in terms of taxes because you are practically non-existent, untraceable, untraceable. But if you get caught the consequences are very dear and serious.

Just in recent days, a man of Moroccan origin who has now lived in Italy for a long time was arrested because it was driving on a foreign registered car with Arab license plate, made out to one of his compatriots still residing in Morocco today.

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Anyone is aware of the fact that any car registered abroad can circulate for a maximum of one month in Italy as it is in order. Beyond a month, there is also the risk of the vehicle being stopped as well as penalties of various kinds.


What are the consequences of someone who commits such an offence?

Unfortunately, in addition to being driven on a non-regular vehicle in Italy, the license plate of the same was indecipherable, so much so that it was not possible to trace the identity of the owner. For this the The driver of the car received several fines.

First of all why did not register the machine to the motorization for which the fine that was attributed to him was €3558. Then he too was fined for having circulated with the Arab license plate without installing the appropriate translation behind it.

Subsequently, ancillary sanctions were applied such as the withdrawal of the registration certificate, then of the non-compliant Arab number plates, finally the administrative detention of the vehicle until the regularization of the same.

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Now the man in question can do nothing but fulfill the prescriptions or transport the vehicle outside our territory, all this not before having paid the due penalties.

This story teaches that no matter how much you want to save money, it is better to always be faithful to the highway code and related laws, because whoever makes a mistake pays. In this case as in many others the amount to be paid is much higher, so it doesn’t pay to be smart at all.

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