Cars, goodbye bad smells from the air conditioner: 1 tablespoon is enough

If your car’s air conditioner also gives off bad smells, a spoonful of this natural product is enough to eliminate them completely.

Air conditioning
Air conditioning – MotoriNews

Over time, the car is a place where you are forced to live with numerous bad smells. Cigarettes, food, the air conditioner itself can end up creating an unhealthy environment, which becomes unpleasant especially when you get into the car for the first time.

You have to accept that that fantastic smell that makes a New car when we take it out of the dealership it is destined to disappear, especially if we are used to making long journeys in which we inevitably consume food or, worse, have the bad habit of smoking inside the passenger compartment.

The conditioner it then becomes a receptacle that collects all the bad smells that form over time by literally shooting them in our faces once we activate it. Whether it’s cold air or warm air.

What to do then? Give up having a healthy environment in the car or find a solution with natural products that allow us to eliminate these odors forever? Obviously the second option also because, as we will see, water is not enough for the purpose.

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How to remove bad smells from car air conditioner with white vinegar

The greatest ally for our purposes is the inevitable White vinegaralready fundamental in the kitchen not only for seasoning foods and salads, but also for different uses.

Car dirty with mud
Car dirty with mud –

And we can use it just for clean our car from any unpleasant smell. All you have to do is fill two bowls with white vinegar and, the night before, place one on the dashboard and the other on the back seat.

At this point, all that remains is close everything: windows, doors and let the vinegar “act” during the night. In fact, its properties make it possible to effectively absorb any odor present inside the passenger compartment.

The next morning of course as soon as you unlock the car you will be hit by a strong vinegar smell. Don’t worry because it will go away quickly, especially if you leave all the windows and doors open to let your car air out properly.

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After doing this and eliminating any smell, however, do not forget what could still cause it: for example food residues or accumulations of earth and dirt on the mats.

For this we advise you to do the operation only after cleaning the car and the upholstery thoroughly. In case of stains, a solution is always vinegar, this time accompanied by hot water and baking soda.

Very dirty car
Very dirty car –

Mix them together and, using a spray bottle, start spraying on the parts you want to clean. Leave it on for a while and then wipe it off with a soft cloth.

Finally, to make the car perfume, don’t necessarily rely on the classic saplings: you just need to stuff some cotton bags with natural aromas such as lavender, citrus fruits and wild flowers, to be accompanied by a few drops of essential oil of your liking. Your car will never smell again.

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