€1500 fine and criminal record if you do this on the street: many try the same

2 min read

The Highway Code expressly forbids being able to do certain things behind the wheel of your car, but not only. In fact, it is not even allowed to make other moves on the street, even if you are not on a motorbike or a car. Anyone caught committing this infraction that we are going to describe runs the risk of having to pay a huge fine and more. The risk, in fact, is also to go to criminal law. But what are we talking about? Here are all the details on something to absolutely avoid.

€1500 fine
€1500 fine – motori.news

When you “experience” the road, everyone is required to respect certain rules and to behave in a civilized manner and with full respect for others. The road belongs to everyone and one certainly cannot think of being able to do everything. But what do you risk if you engage in a certain behavior? Here’s what you need to know.

On the road, you don’t just have to respect rules such as driving speed limits or park your car in the permitted spaces. These are moves, obviously, regulated by the Highway Code, but perhaps not everyone knows that there are “hidden” rules, which must also be respected absolutely.

The case we are going to discuss today concerns i road signs. They indicate, prescribe or regulate all the rules to be respected. Anyone is required to respect these road signs, so as not to be fined. If, for example, there is a no parking sign, all users are required not to park their cars in that particular area.

But what if you bring harm to these cartels? What if you steal those directions? Here’s everything you need to know about this illegal move by street vandals.

If you don’t want to dirty your criminal record, avoid doing this on the side of the road

Steal a road sign it is something that absolutely must not be done under any circumstances. Doing so, in fact, constitutes a real crime. In addition to having to pay a really heavy fine, therefore, you run the risk of going to the criminal and dirtying your record.

Stolen road signs
Stealing a road sign is a crime: here are the risks you run if you do it – Motori.News

It is a crime not only to steal such signs, but also to make them illegible, dirty or other similar things. For such gestures, the risk is that of running into a very high fine. As required by the Highway Code, in fact, you risk having to pay a fine between 927 and 1500 euros. But that’s not all.

Many operate this “theft”, as if it were a joke or a joke between boys. And, in most cases, those who do this can also be really in good faith. Making such a move, however, could be more than just a joke. In fact, it could turn into something much more serious, certainly not thought by the person at the time of the theft. What are we referring to?

We state the most serious possible consequences for the theft of a road sign. If you become the protagonist of the theft of a stop sign at an intersection, for example, you risk very serious consequences in the event of a subsequent accident. If a fatal accident were to occur at that intersection, the consequences for you would be very serious.

Exaggerated fine and criminal record if you commit this infraction – Motori.News

The risk is that of being convicted of manslaughter, as a result of the theft of the stop sign. Then, criminal sentences and even imprisonment of up to 6 years are foreseen. Are you still sure that the theft of a road sign is a simple joke?

The article €1500 fine and criminal record if you do this on the street: many try the same comes from Motori News.