Lights, if you keep them on like this, you’ll get a fine: you can only do this

Respecting the rules of the Highway Code is essential to avoid penalties, and in the same way, the rules regarding lighting must also be taken into account. Let’s find out when the penalty is expected depending on how you keep the lights on!

lights on penalties
Lights, if you keep them on like this you will get a fine –

Each driver knows very well that in order to travel and avoid penalties, the rules laid down by the highway code must be respected. The rules imposed by the legislation also concern the lights present in vehicles and even a small oversight can cause unimaginable disasters. Let’s see the fines foreseen in case you don’t turn on the car lights correctly!

What lights to turn on in the car and when

During road traffic the use of lights is essential to avoid accidents. The Highway Code establishes that from sunset it is necessary to report to other drivers traveling the same route your presence on the road.

LED headlights
Lights – Motors.News

In this way vehicles and pedestrians can see even remotely the arrival of the vehicle. For this way the car must be equipped with adequate lightingwhich must also be functional. Traveling on the road with the lights off or perhaps faulty is not advisable and the risk of causing an accident is very high.

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Penalties provided if you don’t turn on the lights

Article 152 of the Highway Code obliges to turn on the lights outside inhabited centres. motorcycles, mopeds, tricycles and quadricycles can turn on the position lights even in residential areas.

Furthermore, drivers are also obliged to turn on the dipped beam headlampswhile the clearance lights and those of the license plate must be turned on if provided.

In place of these lights, if your vehicle is equipped with them, daytime running lights can be used. Vehicles of historical and collectible interest are not required to be equipped with these devices.

All those who do not respect the rules of the road can be fined with a penalty that can go from 42 euros to 173 euros. Unfortunately, license plate lights are the ones that are most often forgotten and by law they have to be in working order.

The purpose of these lights is to allow the number plate to be read even at night. Also by law, the plate must be perfectly clean, to be legible for recognition purposes.

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