Never do this when you refuel, you’ll save €70: try it now

Gasoline, as well as diesel, currently have a very high cost that not all motorists can afford to bear.

save 70 euros
save 70 euros – Motori.News

That’s why the majority of motorists today prefer to reduce the use of the vehicle, moving instead using public transport and saving significant sums.

There are those who just can’t do without it, so they use the car to move around for short distances and then there are those who have just put it in the garagesuspending the insurance until a date to be set, reducing expenses to a minimum.

Dear fuels, this is the mistake we all make

Probably the problem of expensive fuel will not be resolved in the coming monthsso we just have to get used to it and accept that the situation will be like this for a long time to come.

Motorists to save money, however, they will have to avoid doing one thing particularly when they go for gas. At the petrol pump you have the choice between ordinary fuel and premium fuel.

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The difference between the two types of fuel is in the composition. Premium fuel has additives that improve engine performance, the other does not. The economic difference is €0.10 per litre, but in terms of effectiveness, the difference practically does not exist.

Petrol station strike
gasoline- Engines.News

Save petrol and money here’s how

According to most, using Premium fuel means consuming less and therefore saving petrol, it’s not actually like that. That’s why when you’re at the gas station, you should always choose regular fuel and never premium fuel.

This is because however many advantages it may have, then cleaning the engine of the car while it is in action, improve performance, If the car has problems and doesn’t run well, it’s useless.

Premium fuel is only recommended for those who have very powerful carswho are therefore able to see improvements by using the vehicle to its maximum power.

Alternatively, all you do is spend more money for no reasonor. By opting for normal fuel, you respect the budget that any Italian family sets in order to make ends meet and you save a lot.

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Making a quick calculation, fuel consumption in France is €1542 per year. A huge expense. More or less using normal fuel, the French could save at least €70 if not more. In Italy it is more or less the same thing. doing the calculations, reasoning and getting informed can save your wallet, so why not take action?

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