incentives for those who change cars

A novelty for the green area in Rome. From 15 November 2022 the Ztl changes, with new prohibitions introduced to limit traffic.

green band now confirmed
Green band, traffic restrictions –

The Ztl rules in Rome have changed. From 15 November 2022, the restrictions on the railway ring will be extended to the Green Belt area with the introduction of new permanent, programmed and emergency restrictions to prevent and contain air pollution in the capital. The boundaries of green spaces will also change a bit.

The measures adopted by the Council will be progressive and incentives will be offered to those who will be forced to modify their car, in addition to those already provided by the State.

Who will not be able to circulate?

The Council of Rome approved a resolution on the area designated as the Green Zone. The ban will go into effect on November 15, 2022 and will apply to cars with Euro 1, Pre-Euro 1 and Euro 2 petrol and diesel engines, to Euro 3 diesel motor vehicles, to mopeds and motorcycles with Euro 1, Pre-Euro 1 petrol and Euro 1, Pre-Euro diesel 1 and Euro 2.

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What will be the next steps?

This decision is only the first step in considering further restrictions on other vehicle categories to reduce air pollution. From the November 1, 2023 access to cars fueled by Euro 4 diesel will be prohibited from 7:30 to 20:30. Diesel commercial vehicles Euro 4 N1, N2, N3 in the period 7.30-10.30 / 16.30-20.30. Diesel mopeds and motorbikes, Euro 3.

Traffic restrictions
Traffic restrictions –

From the November 1, 2024 it will continue with Euro 5 diesel vehicles from 7.30 to 20.30 and N1, N2 and N3 diesel Euro 5 commercial vehicles from 7.30 to 10.30 / 16.30-20.30.

Support measures

Anyone will choose to scrap their Euro 2 and 3 petrol vehicles or Euro 3 and 4 diesel vehicles will receive a free annual public transport pass and a new edition of the Public Transport discount for the Mobility Manager network. Who will choose to switch from Euro 3 to 5 for light commercial vehicles to electric versions will be able to take advantage of the incentives provided by the state. To this end, €3 million is foreseen in 2022, €5 million in 2023 and €5 million in 2024.

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Map of the green zone
Map of the green zone –

Furthermore, people who have updated or are already in possession of Ztl will not be able to circulate if their vehicles correspond to vehicles to which the ban is subject. Every time the Lazio Region gives permission, they will be contacted and asked to scrap the car in exchange for a free annual pass for the means of transport.

Therefore, citizens who own vehicles will no longer be able to get around the Green Belt and will receive an email with information on current regulations.

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