Stolen car and car tax, this document is not enough to stop paying it: here’s what you need to do

Undergoing a theft is an experience that no one would ever want to try and that cannot be wished on the worst enemy, not only for the economic damage, but also for everything that needs to be done immediately afterwards. In the event of a stolen car, those with theft insurance can console themselves, others cannot.

Stolen car and car tax
Stolen car and car tax –

In the case of theft and fire insurance, the damage is only half valid, since it covers and compensates immediately for the incident.

The first thing to do in case of car theft is to report the incident to the police Carabinieri or police does not matter.

To start the car theft report the vehicle license plate must be providedthen if they were stolen on certificate and vehicle registration document this must also be denounced.

Loss of possession due to theft, here’s what to do and when to avoid paying the car tax

The next stage requires the initiation of the practice of loss of possession due to theft, fundamental because from the moment the document is presented, the termination of the payment of the car tax begins. In this case, you can not pay and still be in good standing without risking fines or other damages. All this only on condition that the file is presented by the expiry of the stamp duty and that the correct valid documents have been presented.

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What happens in the event of a stolen car, do you have to pay the road tax or not?

If the theft occurred within the payment deadline, you don’t have to pay the tax of the following year, while if this has already been paid, you are fully entitled to obtain a refund. In practice, if the stamp expires on November 30, 2022, the tax has been paid but in the meantime the vehicle has been stolen, you are entitled to a refund. If it hasn’t been paid yet, you don’t have to pay and you are in good standing.

To start it, you need to contact an Aci territorial unit, or the Automobile Club of Italy delegation, as an alternative to automotive consultancy studies. To proceed you must present with the certificate of ownership of the vehicle, the report of the theft and a copy of a valid identity document. If the stolen vehicle is found within 40 days, the discovery must be reported. Then secondly you have to register the repossession directly to the PRA. Once the paperwork has been completed, the vehicle can be used in good standing. These are just some of the consequences of car theft.

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