Speed has become a major cause of road accidents. When driving at high speed, you don’t have enough time to “respond” to a pedestrian crossing a road or to certain road conditions.

As a result, collisions or accidents can occur between passenger cars, damaging vehicles and injuring drivers, passengers or pedestrians.
To prevent speeding, the federal highway administration or local municipality installs a series of traffic control and management devicesincluding bumps, retarders, speed dampers, sound streaks, etc.
Devices and artifacts to slow down the speed
City technical staff typically review speeds and volumes on a local road after receiving a request from an interested citizen (or an elected official who submitted the citizen’s request). Traffic engineers then determine if the slowdown devices are appropriate.

Not all traffic slowdown devices are equally effective and can be divided into the following six categorieseach with their own strengths and weaknesses.
Speed bumps are one of the very effective traffic control devices installed by municipalities and property owners for regulate the acceleration of motorists and motorcyclists on city roads.
They have a raised surface. Drivers reduce their speed when driving on this raised surface to avoid hitting this high-speed road safety tool. The higher the road bumps, the higher the speed they will reduce.
They are considered a good choice for local streets and roads where foot traffic is high and the pedestrian safety is important.

Raised pedestrian crossings
Raised crossings combine the speed management with pedestrian crossings. This encourages drivers to travel slower in the same spot where pedestrians are crossing. It is one of the best ways to maximize crossing safety for pedestrians.
Optical effect slowdown
Visual retarders consist of a series of at least four horizontal strips of reflective paint applied in the direction of travel in a series of increasing widths. Typically, three are made at intervals of 15 m from the point where maximum deceleration is required.
Sound effect slowdown
The purpose of acoustic retarders, as the term suggests, is to slow down the vehicle and attract the driver’s attention near areas that could be dangerous for the vehicle (for example, before a bend or a pedestrian crossing).
The sonone bands are made by gluing the strips on the road surface. They are horizontal strips of retro-reflective material that increase in height in the direction of travel, creating acoustic and optical effects by refraction.
Speed Cameras
Speed cameras are systems that determine the speed of vehicles based on the emission and reception of invisible and parallel laser beams crossing the road perpendicularly.
They are also equipped with a camera with a complete system of automatic overlay of the infraction data, positioned at the height of the speed detector with the function of detecting the license plate of a vehicle that breaks the speed limit. The role of speed cameras is to “threaten” motorists from respect the limits on the road.

The speed indicator devices accurately measure the speed of vehicles arriving and show this value to the driver.
Speed indicators are convenient compared to road bumps and other expensive measures, they pose no problem for emergency vehicles, while noise and annoyance are totally absent.
But are these speed devices all legal?
The Infovelox they are the most used and are those cylindrical speed detectors, usually painted orange, installed on the sides of the road, often in residential areas or on busy main roads. They are commonly used for the prolonged deterrent effect, their fundamental characteristic, such as to dissuade the usual acceleration as soon as you pass a device.
This device should contain a speed detector. But for cost reasons, most of the locations it is totally empty. And it is a deterrent because motorists are inclined to slow down because they do not know which pole the detector is on.
On 11 July 2012 an official note of the Ministry of the Territoryof Infrastructures and Transport, which establishes in black and white the abuse that Infoveloxes are not approved by any law in force and cannot be classified.