Charging socket blocked, here’s the trick to unlock it: nobody knew it

Have you encountered this problem of the charging cable stuck while charging your electric car? It seems to be a very common problem among electric vehicle owners. Here are some simple solutions on how to pull the stuck cable out of the charging port.

charging socket blocked
charging socket blocked –

Charging problems, for electric vehicle owners, are one of the challenges they face. Charging cables can get stuck and not disconnect after charging is complete.

It is therefore useful to know the correct way to charge your electric vehicle and be prepared not to panic if the charger gets stuck in a charging station.

How the charging cable gets stuck in the vehicle

The charging cable automatically locks 90 seconds later unlocking the vehicle. This automatic locking occurs while the vehicle is charging and for security reasons. Like other vehicles, electric ones also come with accessories, and the portable electric vehicle charging cable is among the most important.

Charging cable for electric car –

Charging cables are at high risk of theft and electric cables obviously tend to lock to ensure safety, to facilitate pre-conditioning and increase the autonomy of electrical operation.

Unlocking the charging cable is simple. You need to unlock the vehicle again using the car remote control. But not everyone knows that in case you can’t unlock this way or if you have a car with keyless access, you can lock and unlock using a small lever.

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Workarounds if the car unlock fails

The charger, whether used in home charging systems or used in charging stations, often gets stuck due to defective actuators in the socket. The problem is the device locking the charging cable in place during the charging process.

In ok condition, the actuator should release the cable when desired. But if it fails, it can be a mechanical or electrical failure, the cable will get stuck. As always, you shouldn’t try to use force as it could do some damage.

There first solution is to block and therefore unlock the car from the keys. If it’s just a glitch, it should release the cable immediately. However, if the cable is still stuck, try pressing it further and then pulling it out.

There second solutionwhich many people don’t know, is to spot it manual release. That is a small lever that is often found in the trunk or hood (depending on where you have the plug), just behind the charging point. Just pull it very hard and the cable will come off.

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Charging cable –

But, if the above recommended solutions don’t work, there are a few things to remember:

Don’t panic

The charging connection is physical and mechanical between your car and the charging station. If the handle went in, it will generally come out again. It won’t be stuck forever. It can be fixed with the help of an expert.

Don’t try to use force

If the charging plug is stuck on your car, be very careful if you think you need to try with a screwdriver or any other tool. Not only could you damage the car or the charging station, but there is also the risk of getting hurt.

Call customer support

On most charging stations, there is a customer support number to call with any kind of question. Call him, explain the problem and ask for advice.

Other tips on the correct charging of an electric vehicle

It is recommended to leave the car plugged into the power outlet if you plan to stay out of town and the electric car is simply in the garage. However, to avoid overcharging during your absence, set the charge to 50%.

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When parking in scorching heat, it is best to park in a shady placeto avoid overheating and battery consumption.

Avoid it deep download. Always connect a charger when the battery reaches 30% charge.

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