Parking the car in the second row is a crime. The habit that unites us all is to stop for a few minutes in the second row waiting inside the vehicle while the passenger gets off to do something in a few seconds or gets on the vehicle. Everyone is asking, can it be done or is it a crime?

The stop in the second row is permitted by law, while the stop is not. If you park for a few minutes in the second row and stay in the car, in case of need you are ready and willing to move the vehicle without harming anyone and causing traffic problems.
On the other hand, in the event of a stop in the second row, many problems can be created, which are often not taken into consideration.
This is why parking the car in the second row is a crime
Park the car in the second row, with the engine off, moving away from the vehicle means going against article 158 of the highway code. Those who leave the car in the second row under these conditions risk receiving a fine ranging from € 41 to € 169. Obviously the ban does not apply only to cars but also to all other vehicles, including motorcycles and mopeds.
As for motorbikes and mopeds, the fine ranges from 24 to € 98, but we must consider the case and the single event. If the motorbike is parked in the second row and has another motorbike in front of it, there are no fines, if instead the motorbike obstructs the passage or blocks the exit from the parking lot to a car, then the above indicated fine is foreseen.

Stop or stop? Here’s what the difference is and when you risk a fine
If a car, parked in the second row, obstructs the exit of a correctly parked car and there is no one inside, the owner of the car in difficulty can wait a few minutes and then contact the tow truck or request cleaning their intervention. Even by law, those who have suffered damage, he can also lodge a complaint against the owner of the vehicle parked in prohibition and claim damages.
A vehicle parked in the second row, with the engine off, therefore violates article 158, so it can receive a fine from 24 to € 98 because it is not a temporary stop but a real stop. We remind you that the stop differs from the stop because it is the suspension of the march protracted over time. If you cannot find a parking space and you need to stop in a specific place, it is advisable to stop with the engine running and not to get out of the car or move away a few meters and for a few minutes because trouble is always around the corner.