What is the use of inserting a foam tube inside your car? In this article we will let you discover something truly amazing and very practical. We are sure that after reading this you will never be able to do without this detail! But what is this accessory for? Here are all the details!
Some accessories may seem completely useless or out of place under certain circumstances, but in reality this is not the case. This is the case, for example, of the foam tube. In fact, it can perform a very interesting function if placed inside your car. But for what reason? Here you are all the details about this element and the method of use in a particular area of the car!
Very often it can happen that you have to face many hours in the car and never feel particularly at ease. Especially for those who usually use the car on a daily basis – for work or for any other reason – being able to count on an optimal driving experience is really an aspect to take into account.
The same goes for passengers, for whom comfort during the journey is essential. In order to improve a particular aspect in reference to practicality and to improve the ‘life’ inside the car, the foam tube helps. For what reason? Here’s where you can insert it and what you’ll need it for!
Foam tube inside your car – that’s its amazing purpose!
Who has never lost objects inside their car? Very often, those who are driving or who are sitting in the passenger seat run the risk of having some important objects slip out of their hands, such as mobile phones, pens, papers and much more. The ‘search’ for such objects can waste valuable time. How can we avoid this?
The falling of objects will unfortunately be something that can always happen to you. You can, however, try to simplify your search through a particular method. And this is where the foam tube comes to your aid! What do you mean?
A method as simple as it is practical and absolutely brilliant is that ofinserting a piece of foam tube in a specific area of your car, namely between the handbrake and the front seats. Very often, in fact, fallen objects can get stuck between these two elements, making it very complicated – especially for those with large hands – to recover everything!
Inserting the foam will have the function of do not allow fallen objects to get caught between the seat and the handbrake. Something absolutely brilliant, which – we are sure – you had NEVER thought about it before today!
It will simply be enough for you cut pieces of foam tube with a length and a width equal to the space in the area between the seat – passenger and driver – and the handbrake! Once you have done this simple operation, all you have to do is insert the piece of foam into the space provided. That’s it and your items won’t fit together anymore!