Did you accidentally leave your car keys inside the passenger compartment and have no idea how to open the door? To avoid calling someone to bring you spare keys, there is a practical solution that can meet your needs! Here’s everything in detail.

It can happen to anyone to leave the keys inside the car after it has closed. The new generation cars are increasingly safer from this point of view, not allowing the vehicle to be locked with the keys inside, but not everyone is still in possession of a technologically advanced car! So how to solve the problem without having to call someone to help you?
There are, however, some effective methods able to come to your rescue. One of these is related to the use of a simple lanyard, such as the one found in suits or in several other trousers. But it is not the only solution to meet you in a situation of such discomfort!
Let’s go to the discovery of the trouser lace method, which will allow you to unlock the door allowing you to enter your car. Here is the full explanation of this method in detail!
The trouser lace method to open the car in case of need!
But how to open the car with a simple trouser lace? The question is quite legitimate, since it may seem strange that such an element could help you to operate such a thing! But after reading the explanation, you won’t believe your eyes! Here’s how to best use the lace!

Sara necessary to remove the lace from the trousers and spread it out for good. Once this is done, all you have to do is to make a slip knot, in such a way as to form something like a noose! It will pass smoothly into the thickness of the door. At that point you will have to reach the car safety knob with the lanyard. Once once the loop has entered the safety, it will be advisable to pull it with force in order to unlock the lock.
With this operation, you will be able to regain possession of your car, being able to open the door from the outside. A brilliant solution, which, however, can also be used by some bad guys to get into your machine. We therefore advise you not to leave any precious element in sight and, above all, to equip the machine with valid anti-theft systems!
The lace method is just one of many practical ways to open the door if the key is left inside! Indeed, for example, there is another practical solution that can not waste your precious time!
Always taking advantage of the thickness of the door, it is possible to pass another element used for this purpose. In fact, between the door and the pillar, with a wedge it will be possible to insert a stick or an umbrella into the passenger compartment that can fit into the opening handle and allow the door to be unlocked!