October means Halloween is coming, and it usually results in at least one or two odd occurrences in people’s daily lives. Granted, those situations are generally harmless, like your neighbor dressed as spice catching an Uber to a party. The incident seen here clearly lacks a sense of innocence, and frankly, there isn’t much background behind it.
On the afternoon of October 5, Twitter user Paul Blair noticed a man appearing to be asleep or unconscious on the hood of a Honda Civic opposite his home in Washington, DC. According to WJLA News, the scene lasted about 20 minutes until the man got out of the car and started kicking him. Speaking to WJLA News, Blair said at the time it was clear that a driver was in the car. It is not clear if the driver had been there the entire time.
That’s when Blair started filming the incident, and that when the driver decided to leave with the man who was still in the car. His Twitter post above features a video, showing the man motionless on the hood and windshield of the ninth-generation Civic. The driver slowly pulled over onto the road, pausing for a moment before rolling over to the nearest intersection, turning right, and continuing – the ornament of the human hood and so on. The video ends as the car disappears from view.
This is of course something you don’t see on a daily basis, and unfortunately, we couldn’t find any additional information on the subject. Blair’s WJLA report never alerted police, and there are no other reports of vehicles in the DC area driving with someone lying in front. We can’t hear any sound in the video other than Blair moving, so there’s no way to tell if this is a domestic feud, attempted robbery or assault, a social media joke, or some other form of madness. Suffice it to say, going around with someone lying down anywhere on the outside of the car is not a good idea.
We’ll be opening our eyes and ears to any follow-up to this truly bizarre scene. In the meantime, stay safe out there everyone.